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You quietly knocked on the Hamadas brothers door and opened the door slowly. "Hello?" you whispered loudly into the room. You could see Hiro sleeping in his bed and Tadashi moving under his covers since his "door" was open.

"[Y/N]?" Tadashi questioned in a deep groggily voice while sitting up slowly.

"Yeah its me" you said quietly while entering trying not to wake up the sleeping Hiro. "I wanted to see if Hiro was awake but I guess hes not so ill go" you laughed nervously

"Don't be silly, just wake him up." He said muffled as he rubbed his face.

You laughed at him "Okay thanks" with that he lied back down to go to bed.

As you walked towards Hiros bed he started talking is his sleep. "Nghh-[Y/N]" He moaned. Your eyes widened and you cheeks became warm.

"[Y/N] hurry up and wake him up, his protests are annoying." Tadashi complained while covering his ears with his pillow.

"I uh...haven't tried waking him up yet...." you said awkwardly

"Oh well...WAIT WHAT?!" Tadashi immediately got up from his bed and ran over to Hiro. "WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS GOING ON IN THAT DREAM OF YOURS YOUNG MAN!!" he yelled in Hiros face while shaking him awake.

"Tadashi what the heck" Hiro exclaimed tiredly, pushing Tadashi off him. "Why would you do that?!"

"Why would I do that?! Why the heck would you be moaning [Y/N]'s name in your sleep?!?!" Tadashi screamed while pointing to you.

"[Y/N]!! I, uh....." Hiro was lost for words and his face was red with embarrassment.

"You, uh, what!" Tadashi yelled mocking him.

There was a moment of awkward silence before Hiro spilled. "IReallyReallyLike[Y/N]AndIHadAnInappropriateDreamAbourHerWhereWeDidInappropriateThingsAndIKindaReallyReallyLikedIt!!!!" Hiro said quickly to the point it was almost impossible to understand, almost. Tadashi broke into an uncontrollable laughter while you stood there in shock with a face almost redder than Hiros. "S-Shut up" Hiro stuttered.

"Ahh" Tadashi said while wiping away a fake tear. "Im sorry-its just to funny"

"I hate you" Hiro mumbled

"Yeah but you obviously don't hate [Y/N]" Tadashi teased winking at you two while leaving the room. Leaving you two alone...

"I uh..." Hiro said nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hiro I-"

"Everything I said was true!" He spoke rather loudly making you jump. You stayed silent not knowing what to do 'He likes me?!' "[Y/N]" He said breaking you from your thoughts. You soon found his face inches away from yours 'When did he get over here?!' "I really, really like you" He whispered moving his face closer to yours. You could now feel his warm breath on your soft lips before he kissed you innocently with his soft pink lips. You kissed him back, lips moving in sync with one another until you broke it.

"Next time don't have fun with out me." you whispered in his ear with pink tinted cheeks before walking towards the door leaving a red faced daysed Hiro.

As you got into the hallway Hiro snapped out of his trance and ran after you "Wait a second!"

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