Chapter One: Get Him Back

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It's funny, looking back, because really the day started the same as any other. Well, mostly the same.

"Samantha what the hell happened to my makeup brush?!"

"How am I supposed to know? You need to keep better care of your things!"

"You don't understand. I'm trying to catch Daniel's attention, and I can't do that if my foundation is a mess."

​​ Trying to postpone the inevitability of me getting up and having to deal with my roommate Samantha and her insufferable friend Victoria, I close my eyes and rub my face for a second more before finally rising from my bed.

"Looks like Ms. Sleeping Beauty finally arose from her slumber." Ignoring the comment from Victoria and reminding myself that she is but a trespasser in my home, I walk to the closet and start pulling out my outfit for the day.

"Okay, serious question Sam. Do you think the boys are serious about the party tonight?"

"I like really hope so. Like I'm getting excited just thinking about it!"

I have always made an effort not to participate in the lousy gossip and popularity contests of Arcadia Boarding School. Partially because I don't care, and partially because I know even if I did care, I wouldn't exactly be welcomed into everyone's circles. Alas; when your roommates with someone like Samantha Charles—the school beauty queen and leader of the popular girl clique—it's hard not to at least hear things. Although I claim not to care about trivial things like parties or boys, I must admit my interest peaked at the mention of a "party." Mostly because, if anything, Arcadia was known for its strict curfew and anti-fun policies and I wanted to see how the kings and queens of the school thought they could wriggle their way out of those restrictions.

"I heard that it was going to be at Xavier and Daniel's room." Sam said while adjusting her hair so that it framed her face perfectly.

"Well if it is then you of all people should know. I mean god, how long have you been dating Xavier? And he still doesn't tell you about things like hosting parties?!"

"Well to be fair, I'm just speculating. It could be anywhere. Hell, it could be in the boys bathroom for all I know"

By the time Victoria had said gross I was already dressed and on my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and whatnot. It truly does astound me the amount of time some people take to get ready. It wasn't until after I had finished brushing my teeth, washing my face, and was leaving the bathroom that I saw the both of them making their way to the bathroom. For two people who wake up at 5 in the morning, they sure do find a way to still be behind.

At breakfast, I sat in my usual spot next to the only three people I could stand in my homeroom, and out of the three only two of them I was actually friends with.

"Hey Melissa," Noah said, but he wasn't looking at me. Instead, he was staring at the baby carrot he had poked two toothpicks into and was flying around his celery towers. Anthony was sitting next to him, and would occasionally try to knock the towers down before his hand would be jammed by the plane.

"Real mature you guys," I said, sitting down without bothering to get breakfast.

"The school breakfast tastes like shit anyways." Anthony shrugged, "we really wouldn't be gaining anything by eating it."

Are Anthony and Noah my favorite people in the world? No (It would be depressing if they were), but I enjoy their company enough, and they are nice kids. If I had to choose two people out of the eighteen kids in homeroom 23 to eat breakfast and dinner with, I would definitely pick them. So I did. It does suck though, the way the school is set up, because if you don't like the 15-20 kids in your homeroom you're basically screwed. That's who you have to eat with, room with, shower with, and live with for 9 months out of the year. Me, Noah, and Anthony got screwed, in the sense that all of the other kids in homeroom 23 are self-obsessed 'popular' kids.

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