Chapter Three: The Party

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Samantha came back to the room later than I had expected. I had already taken a shower and was sitting at my typewriter writing nothing when she barged through the room fanning herself excessively and blinking away what looked to be tears. She completely disregarded me and began throwing clothes out of the closet left and right. I usually wasn't one to try and talk to her; especially on days like this, but to be honest I was a little worried about her.

"Are you alright Samantha?" I turned my head around only slightly, so if she threw something in my direction I could turn back around quick enough.

"NO!" She screamed in response, burying her face in her hands and wailing.

"...Do you want to talk about it..?"

"NO!" Luckily for me, when she threw the coat hanger I was already prepared to turn.

Despite her response to my question, she did end up telling me everything that was seemingly wrong with her life, starting with what sounded like the root of the problem; Xavier.

"It's just that I feel like he never tells me anything and no matter how long were together it's like he never trusts me! I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I thought he loved me!" I just sat there nodding solemnly as she involuntarily sobbed in my direction. "And not only that, but when I ask him about it or try to help him he gets mad at me! It's like there's nothing I can do to be good enough for him!" Now, I'm definitely not the best at giving advice—especially not relationship advice—but I couldn't in good faith sit there and listen to her cry about her life without saying something.

"Well Samantha," I offered, trying to sound as casual as possible. "Maybe you should be with someone who recognizes how you feel and treats you the way you want to be treated."

In response she just screamed and fell onto her bed. I didn't exactly know what to say while she laid there and cried into her pillow, so I didn't say anything. Instead, I turned to my typewriter and began writing an article for the Arcadia News Paper which I knew would never get published. Samantha and I were in harmony for only a couple minutes—me typing peacefully on my typewriter and her having a panic attack/crisis on her bed—when she finally was able to pull herself together.

"Can you stop that annoying fucking typing? It's so loud." There's the Samantha I knew. Against my better judgment I stopped typing in the hopes that maybe she would feel better. I supposed she must've gone back to whatever she was doing before, because I could hear the sound of clothes being flung out of the closet. Suddenly Victoria stormed into the room, slamming the door into the wall with such force I wondered if she would leave a hole in the wall. She instantly ran to Samantha and began hugging her and comforting her.

"I'm so sorry for what happened Sam, you know you didn't deserve that." Samantha buried her face in Victoria's chest and cried, I just stared, wondering what the hell must've happened for all of this drama to occur. I was in the middle of my line of thought when I was interrupted by Victoria,

"What the hell are you staring at?" She looked at me with an accusatory expression, as if I was the one who caused all of this.

"I just...want to know what happened..." I mumbled, turning back to my typewriter to continue on my unimportant work.

"That's none of your business!" Victoria said to me, just as Samantha was saying,

"Well it's a long story..."

"Well I have time." I turned back around from my typewriter and stared at them both expectantly.

"It's nothing!" Samantha said instantly, looking up at Victoria as they both nodded,

"Just mind your own business." Victoria said, and they walked to the bathroom together, slamming the door behind them.

How pleasant, I typed on my typewriter.

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