Chapter Nineteen: Give it Up Detective 2.0

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Who are the girls who live close to the common room? Well, I'm glad you asked. None other than Victoria Mannis and Yasmin Leons. One of said girls being the nicest in the homeroom and the other...well the other is Victoria.

"You realize Victoria is in love with you, right?" I mumbled to Daniel as he dragged me begrudgingly to her room. After I had come to the realization that Victoria's room had been the one closest to the Common Area, I was not planning on making forcing me there an easy task.

"I don't think she's in love with me," Daniel said, very clearly oblivious to the many signs she had shown just this week alone.

"For god's sake, she calls you Danny!"

"Lots of people call me Danny..." he trailed as he knocked on the door. Despite my best efforts, the fact was that Daniel was strong enough to carry me, and so against my will I had been brought in front of Victoria's door. I tried to convince Daniel he could do the interview without me, but he insisted that he needed 'his bad cop' by his side. I guess it was a little endearing, in a way, but that doesn't mean I wasn't upset by it.

It took an only slightly uncomfortable amount of time for someone to answer the door, and when it finally was I was greeted by none other than the unpleasant sight of Victoria. She had opened the door in the middle of saying 'what the hell do you want', but halfway through the sentence she saw Daniel, so it came out more as 'what the he—Daniel!'

"Hey Victoria..." Daniel scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Can we come in..?"

"We?" She started, confused, but then turned her head and locked eyes with me, and I watched as her demeanor changed from flirty and seductive to agitated. "Oh. I guess so. Come in."

I remembered Victoria and Yasmin's room from the last time I had been in there. Pretty similar to what me and Samantha's room looked like, no discernable features besides the fact that a very wobbly line had been drawn in eyeliner in their bathroom mirror, and even though the line ended in the bathroom, it seemed to go through the entire room. They both had similar decorations, and there was really no way you could tell the sides apart, but you could sense in the atmosphere a certain divide. Yasmin was sitting on her side of the bed when we came in, and she smiled at me. I smiled back.

"So Danny, what do you need?" Victoria asked, completely neglecting the fact that I was even there. She had found her spot sitting at a swivel-chair in the center of the room, while me and Daniel stood near the door.

"We want to ask you about if you heard anything suspicious last night coming from the common area," I said, glaring at Victoria. She glared at me with the same intensity as she answered.

"We didn't hear a thing, Greenfield." Her use of my last name sent a shiver down my spine. "Why haven't you given up, detective? You don't seem to be doing a very good job." She then turned her head to Daniel. "Oh, I know why." I knew Daniel had dragged me here to Victoria's room to be his 'bad cop', but right now I did not feel like bad cop. I felt like very disheveled, out of place, no idea what to do cop.

Daniel, on the other hand, was seemingly oblivious to what was going on, and continued asking questions. "Well, I know you two were kind of close to Mellany, had she been acting any different the day before she died? Or before that?"

Yasmin had been entirely silent this whole time, but she spoke up to answer his question. "Well, she had been talking all day about meeting up with Henry at night. I don't know if she even got to do that, or if it was too late for her by then." My ears perked up at that.

"Wait, why would she have been meeting up with Henry?" I asked.

"You're so funny!" Victoria giggled, as if I had made a joke, but I could see it in her eyes that she knew I had been serious. "Danny, where did you find this girl? She's hilarious?" Daniel kind of smirked at the comment, and it sent an ache through my heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22 ⏰

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