Ch 1. The Start Of A Holiday

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The sun shone above Pop Village and Queen Poppy was in her pod writing a letter to the six tribes who were the classical Trolls, Tecno Trolls, Hard Rock Trolls, Funk Trolls and Country Trolls. Queen Poppy smiled happily as she Scrapbook the letter and it took her two hours to finish it.

Queen Poppy had finally finished the letters that she was writing to all Tribe leaders to come to Pop Village.

After every Tribe leader got to Pop Village they looked at Poppy with confusion "uh Poppy why are we here?" Delta Dawn asked with a confused expression on her face.

Barb agreed with Delta Dawn "yea, why did you bring us to your village?" Barb questioned as she looked at her girlfriend.

Trollex smiled "well whatever it is I'm sure it will be great" Trollex answered as he stopped every Tribe leader from talking.

They all looked at Poppy "ok so I wanted to let you meet-" Poppy was interrupted by Clay, Branch's middle brother "Poppy, Poppy, Poppy!" Clay yelled as his breathing was getting heavy "I'm so sorry for interrupting you but I should inform you that-" Clay was also interrupted by Barb who immediately attacked him without warning.

Poppy gripped Barb on her shoulder to pull her away from Clay "I'm so sorry about her Clay she's my girlfriend and she is very protective" Poppy explained as she held Barb down.

Clay sighed as he stood up "How day you interrupt my girlfriend from speaking!" Barb yelled aggressively as she tried to attack Clay.

"Look I was about to say that someone or something has stolen the strings and as I said I'm sorry for interrupting" Clay explained as he looked at Poppy who had a shocked expression on her face.

"What?!" Poppy asked in shock as she looked at Clay "What do you mean gone?" Poppy asked as she was getting worried.

Queen Essence sighed in disbelief as she didn't wanna say what she was about to say "I can't believe I have to say this but every Troll has to go their separate ways again I'm sorry but without the strings our music will be destroyed" Queen Essence explained as she looked down at Poppy.

Poppy sighed in understanding as she understood what Queen Essence meant but she couldn't believe that every Tribe had to go their separate ways once again but Poppy was determined to solve the case of who the thief was and bring the strings back safely and unharmed.

"Don't worry Queen Essence I'll bring the strings back safely and unharmed" Poppy answered as she bowed down to Queen Essence.

Queen Essence nodded in agreement "I can see that you are determined to bring them back but this young Troll must go with you and of course Branch" Queen Essence said as she started walking.

Poppy agreed to Queen Essence that her, Clay and Branch would bring the strings back to Pop Village immediately.

What will happen next? Will they bring the strings back safely? Or will this threat be something else? One that they had never encountered before? Can Poppy, Clay and Branch save the strings in time? Read chapter 2 to find out.

I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you enjoy it when I release "Chapter 2: Christmas Is here"

Word Count: 558 words!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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