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"Hadi, Hadi, wake up we are here already," Ava said gently tapping my shoulder.

"Hmm," I said rubbing my eyes lazily.

"We need to get lunch ready, I'll call the names of the students that are going to prepare lunch for us," Miss Melissa said.


"What, Miss Melissa, I'm as tired as hell and you expect me to cook for whatever you call your students," Rose said.

"Everyone has their turn to cook and you are not the only one tired, now I'll call the rest of you," Miss Melissa said.







"That's all for now, I'll give you the list for dinner later," Miss Melissa said.

"I hate camping," Rose said.

"How I wish you could eat all the makeup on your face maybe you'd see the beauty of camping from inside," Ashley said.

"Oh quiet, nobody cares about what you think," Rose said.

"Oh sorry, I've forgotten that the only thing you care about is your follower count. So sorry about that, I could be of help if you want," Ashley said sarcastically.

"My name is Rose, and why would I need help from a fashion blunder," Rose said, which was a bit harsh.

"Girls quiet unless you want to prepare dinner again," Miss Melissa said.

"F***, what the hell was that," Rose shouted.

"It's just an earthworm, deal with it," Ashley said, holding it up.

"How can you be so gross," Rose said.

Ashley threw it on her body.

"What the f*** did you do that for," Rose said, trying very hard to get rid of the worm.

"Ashley, you are preparing dinner again and apologize to Rose," Miss Melissa said.

"Sorry, bird brain," Ashley said sarcastically.

"F*** you," she said.

"Same to you," Ashley said.

"Rose, language," Miss Melissa said.

"Sorry," she said.

Miss Melissa is probably in her early twenties because she is the only teacher that doesn't call us by our surnames.

"I and Ava started setting up our tents, something is wrong with mine, it's not stable at this corner," I said, pointing to the left side.

"Oh, one of the connectors is missing," Ava said.

"Now I have to find that, after having one hell of a trip, oh Allah," I lamented as the hot sun beat my head through my hijab, of course, don't get the wrong idea.

"I think you are looking for this," I heard a familiar voice. I turned, and it was Ethan.

"I found it over there," I looked at him and couldn't help but stare at his warm blue eyes, they were like Ava's but much cooler and prettier, oh shoot I'm not supposed to stare at a boy that is not a relative like that.

"Thanks," I said, yanking it off his hand.

"No problem, by the way, can I get your name again? I keep forgetting it because it turns out it's very unique," he said showing his perfectly set white teeth.

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