Chapter Thirty

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The next couple weeks pass like this. Me ignoring them, though I'm warmer to some than other. The ones who have made an effort to appease things at least. I've been giving Xander pretty much the silent treatment, and he's the only brother who's basically been giving it back. What right does he have to be angry with me?

At lunch one day, he walks over to my table, sitting down. I ignore him, looking down at my food.

"Eating alone," He says, "How classic."

Someone grabs my arm, pulling me to my feet. I recognize her as the ginger haired girl who was interrogating me about how well I know my brothers. Rowan I think her name was. She's harsh, but we've apparently along with my other classmates had our schedules moved around today due to having cut a few teachers from the board.

"Sit with your class," Rowan says walking to the table with my other classmates.  I don't want to sit with them but I'd rather sit with a bunch of kids who don't like me because of my last name, than a traitor who shares my last name. So I stand up and follow Rowan to the others.

After school, once I'm at the house, I shower and get dressed. I walk out of my en suite in time to see Xander dropping my phone on my bed and walking out of my room. I scowl and walk over, picking up my phone. 

Mrs. Emerson's contact is opened, Chase's mom, but he didn't call or text her. If he was looking for some incriminating evidence, he's not gonna find any, him and my brothers have assured no one my age will want to be within 10 feet of them and as an extension, me.

So, now I have no social life either.

By Saturday, I can barely find any reason to leave my room.

"Maddie, come downstairs," I hear Xander call.

My oldest 4 brothers went out, so it's only me, Xander, and Carlo here. I stand up from my bed, setting my book down and sliding on my mickey mouse sweatshirt that's actually Carlo's mickey mouse sweatshirt that I stole.

I walk downstairs and immediately am greeted by a familiar face standing in the doorway. My eyes light up and my heart races excitedly.

"Jess!" I shout, all but running down the stairs. She almost knocks me over in a hug, swaying side to side excitedly, I wrap my arms around her just as tightly, "Maddie!"

I move back, "Wait, where's Chase?"

He comes strolling from the kitchen, eating something, "One hell of a plane ride."

"You were on a private jet, you had plenty to eat, why are you in my kitchen?" Xander says. Carlo walks out of the kitchen with a bowl of ice cream and into his bedroom, his phone to his ear.

"Chase!" I squeal, jumping into his hug and squeezing him so hard, I'm sure there's a lack of oxygen making it's way through his lungs. Chase got tall, Jess did too she's at least 5'6.

"It's not fair! You got tall," I frown.

"Don't worry, you can be short and hot," Jess says, "Like Levi Ackerman."

"Come on. We have to catch up," Jess says, taking my hand. I lace my arm in Chase's and walk quickly into the living room.

Elijah's POV:

I glance at my watch. 

Alessandro, Francesco, and Emilio are sitting around the large wooden table. Sandro is staring at this same piece of recording we've had for weeks. 

"Maybe we can ask Dante," Emilio suggests, "You haven't sent him the footage yet, right?"

Alessandro's stare hardens on the screen, "I haven't even considered that," He says, "I'll bring it up on Tuesday."

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