Its snowing!

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Time skip~

One morning Chopper ran to me and said "Y/N COME NOW!". Chopper grabbed my hand and we walked outside. "Its snowing!" Chopper said. Luffy and the others ran outside. "ITS SNOWING!" Everyone shouted. It been snowing allot so me, Zoro and Sanji started shoveling the snow. It took about 1 hour untill we were done. After that me and Sanji started to make breakfest. "Sanji i got a idea we can do" I said. "Whats ur idea f/n- san?" He asked. "We are soon at the next island and how about u and me go shopping christmas presents to the crew, u know its christmas in 2 days" I said. Sanji looked at me and said "Sure!" With a smile on his face. After breakfast me and Sanji started to was the dishes. "We will be at the next island in at least 30 min!" Nami yelled. After 30 min we were at the island. "Me and Sanji will go shopping alone, u guys stay at the ship!" i yelled. Me and Sanji left the ship and ran to the town. It was allot of pepole and it was snowing.

We walked to a book store and bought a medicine books for Chopper and history books for Robin. "Sanji, i know some thing nami wants!" i said. I ran to a clothing store. And i saw the dress Nami wanted.It cost about 2,000 berry. I took the dress and payed for it. Sanji asked how much it costed and i said "it costed about 2,000 berry". Me and Sanji ran around everywhere to find the best presents for everyone. "Sanji lets go diffrent ways and lets meet here in about a hour" I said. "Alright, i will see u soon Y/n-san!" he said. We walked diffrent ways. I saw a store where they sold cooking stuff. I walked in and saw the perfect pan for Sanji. I took the pan and then i saw some knifes. Sanji said before that he wanted some new knifes. I bought the pan and the knifes. I was thinking of what Zoro wanted for christmas. I decisited that i would buy booze for him. I checked the time and it been 55 min since i left Sanji. I bought the booze and ran to the place where we was supossed to meet. I could see Sanji waving. I walked to him and we started to talk about ramndom stuff. "SANJI WE FORGOT TO BUY A CHRISTMAS TREE!" I yelled. Me and Sanji ran to buy a christmas tree and somt stuff to the tree. "Do we have everything now Sanji?" i asked. "Yup we have everything now Y/n-san" He said. We walked to the ship. We went to the kitchen and started to put up the christmas tree. When everything was done we putted the christmas presents under the tree. 

"UR FINALLY BACK!" Franky and Brook said. "WAIT DID U BUY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR EVERYONE!" Franky yelled. "Yes, we bought presents for everyone on the crew." Me and Sanji said at the same time. "SUPEEEER!" Franky yelled. Everyone else ran to the kitchen and looked at the tree and the presents. 

Time skip~

Its now christmas and everyone is in the kitchen waiting untill me and Sanji are done with the special christmas breakfest. We putted food on the table and everyone started to eat. After everyone ate they wanted to open the christmas presents. Chopper started to open his gift. " NEW MEDICINE BOOKS! THANKS SANJI AND Y/N" Chopper yelled happy. Robin opend her gift and smiled "Thank u guys, i really wanted these books" She said in a calm voice. "I wanna open mine now" Nami said. She opend the gift and said "THANK U Y/N I BEEN WANTING THIS DRESS FOR SO LOOONG!". "Np, Sanji open ur gift now" i said. "I have a gift from u?" He said. He opend it and said "A new pan and new knifes! Thank u Y/n-saaaaan". I smiled. Franky opend his present and said "A NEW HAMMER! SUUUUPER!". Brook started to open his present. He got a new hat. Luffy wanted to open his present to he opend it and he got meat. "BEST PRESENT EVER!!!" He yelled. Usopp opend his gift and got some new goggles. After Usopp opend his gift Zoro started to open his. He smiled and started to drink the booze he got. Sanji gave me a gift. I opend it and saw a katana. "How did u know i needed a katana?" i asked Sanji. "Well i saw that ur katana was broken" He said. I smiled and hugged him. Zoro grabbed me and hugged me. I blushed a little. "Is he jealous or something?" I thought for myself. "Ooo look at the lovebirds" Nami said. I looked down and blushed even more. "Alright lets us all leave the kitchen and let the lovebirds have some fun" Nami then said. They all left the kitchen and Zoro started to kiss me. He then started to kiss my neck. After a while i checked the clock and it was already lunch time. "Zoro im gonna make lunch, u can still stay here if u want to" I said. "mmh, i will stay here with u" He replied. I went to the fridge and said "What should i make for lunch?". "Idk" Zoro said. I took out ramndom stuff out from the fridge. I started to make something  out of it. 

"It looks good" Zoro said

Luffy ran to the kitchen and yelled "It looks super good and smells super good!!"

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Luffy ran to the kitchen and yelled "It looks super good and smells super good!!". The others walked to the kitchen and sat down. While everyone was eating Brook said "Lets sing a song". Brook started to sing Binks No Sakes. Everyone started to laught and dance. It was a wonder full day. Luffy started sing along. Luffy grabbed my hand and started to dance with me. I smiled and started to laught. 


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