1. Gravity Falls Being Gravity Falls

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"Dipper, get your butt over here! The bus is gonna leave without us!"

"Mabel, stop rushing me! I need to make sure I didn't forget anything!" Dipper yelled back, frantically looking through his packed things as he ran through his mental checklist. Clothes? Check. Shoes? Check. Wendy's hat? Check check.

...Oh! He almost forgot! His journal!

Mentally berating himself, he grabbed his journal from his bedside table, blue with a white pine tree on it. Mabel gave it to him, saying it was from Mabipper, after that one time she got sucked into the multiverse - he still didn't know what had even gone on there, just that apparently Mabel told him to tell her about 'a Mabel who hates cats'...?

"Dipper, come on! At the rate you're going, summer will be over by the time you come down here!"

"Okay, okay, sheesh!" He called, quickly stuffing the journal away as he rushed downstairs with his things. Mabel was waiting for him, wearing her iconic pink shooting star sweater. It was the sweater she'd worn when they'd first arrived at Gravity Falls, and it seemed like she was going to make it tradition to wear it each time they returned.

They were taller now, too - well, not Wendy tall, but they'd definitely reach just under Grunkle Stan's shoulder now. And, to Dipper's mild annoyance, Mabel still had a millimeter on him.

"Ugh, finally! Come on, let's go already!" Mabel said with an eye roll and a cheery smile, before grabbing his wrist and practically dragging Dipper with her out of the house towards the bus.

"Woah, woah, slow down Mabel, I'm gonna trip!"

"Too bad, so sad, I'm rad!" Mabel blew a raspberry, before the two boarded the bus and got in their seats.

"You excited to see Candy and Brenda again?" Dipper asked as the bus started moving, although he already knew the answer.

"Duh! Of course! I'm gonna hug them and squeeze them SO tight when we reunite! I'll be even stronger than Brenda!" Mabel said enthusiastically. Then she turned to Dipper with a cheeky smirk. "What about you and Pacifica, hm?"

"W-what? What about me and Pacifica?" Dipper said quickly, too quickly. Mabel gave him a knowing look.

"You know what I mean."

"Sorry Mabel, I have no idea what you're talking about. Oh-look-my-journal's-calling-me-you-know-I-can't-refuse-that." Dipper said all in one breath, before opening his blue journal and hiding his face with it.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Dip Dop!" Mabel laughed.


Soon, they arrived at Gravity Falls, the bus stopping right in front of the Mystery Shack. This time, both twins exited the bus with equal enthusiasm and giddy smiles.


The Pines twins watched in awe as the townspeople burst out of their hiding places and a bunch of confetti was launched. Balloons floated up into the air and people were hollering and cheering. Grunkle Stan pushed his way forwards through the chaotic crowd with a giant grin on his face.

"Great to have ya back, kids! Can't wait to make ya clean the gutters every morning again." Grunkle Stan said, wiping a fake tear from the eye not covered by the eyepatch, before eagerly noogie-ing Dipper.

"Gah! Grunkle Stan, nice to see you too, although I would prefer having my head free." Dipper said, flailing around under Grunkle Stan's grip. He sent a pleading look towards Mabel but she just whistled and looked away. Traitor.

"Ah! There they are! Stanley, stop hogging them all to yourself." And that would be Ford, and thankfully Grunkle Stan let Dipper go.

"Aw, come on, Sixer! You know it's Pines tradition." He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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