When you died of an illness you met the one above all and he decided to reincarnate you into his universe as a special kind of being. You remember the super adaptoid or amazo in justice league cartoon? it's the same thing
We could see a hospital room where a mother and a father with their little girl were staring at a boy in a hospital bed with his veins all black.
Mom:Oh my sweet boy. I-I just can't think about living without him.
Dad:I know it's hard dear. Y/n faught this illness for a year now. I think it's time we put him out of his suffering. If we really love him we have to.
Little girl:Does Y/n will wake up one day?
The parents look at their daughter with sadden look.
Mom:Im sorry but...your brother will never wake up. Never.
Little girl:Wow he is really sleepy.
The parents hug their little girl as they cry as the little girl looked confused. The doctor enter the room and look at the parents.
Doctor:Are you ready?
Dad:Y-Yeah. Just do it quick.
The doctor nod and approsch the plug and pull it off finaly freeing Y/n from his illness.
In a dark void Y/n open his eyes completely healed from his illness. He look around and see no one but darkness untkl a bright light shine and he see a face inside the light.
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Y/n:Who are you?
???:I am your creator. The one above all.
Y/n:Wait the one above all? Like in marvel?!
Y/n:W-Woah hum i-it's a pleasure to meet you sir. But hum if i can ask...why am i here?
Toaa:I saw you fighting this illness for staying alive for your little sister. Such courage is rare in your universe. And i wanna reward you for it.
Toaa:I will bring you to the universe 616.
Toaa:Stop calling it like that.
Toaa:But of course you won't go there without any powers. Wich is why i shall give you my blessing. You will be able to copy any abilities or skill you may encounter. And that also include Iron man armor. You are pretty much a super adaptoid/Amazo.
He then whisper a small thing.
Y/n:What was that?
Toaa:Hum...nothing. Anyway you can go bye.
Y/n suddenly dissapear. When he reappear he is in the middle of new york in the middle of the city as he look up around him and smile. He walk in the streets admiring the city until he suddenly heard an explosion. He look behind him and see Iron man flying away while shooting at a swarm of flying giant insect.