Love to me

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Love for me is always being there for the people you care about. Love forme is always thinking about you & doing things to make your life easier. Love forme was learned through my grandma who always gave me a kiss on the cheek& a warm hug when I arrived or left. Our time this on this earth is short, so lovefor me is projected through my unconditional drive to be there for my friends &family no matter what. Love for me isn't always spoken with words like it shouldbe or shared with the one I love when it should be. Love for me is having someoneto cuddle with when we can. Love for me isn't always just romantic gestures butcooking for one another. Love for me is helping each other with the daily chores oflife. Love for me Is helping one another through the good & the bad. But lovedoesn't come without a cost. Sometimes 1 person loves someone when theother doesn't truly love them but doesn't want to tell them that. Love is one ofthe most powerful words in the universe. Love is what binds us to life the force,Swartz, glue in life. Just having someone in your life who tells you that regularly through gestures, words, or just being there when you need themcan have a most impactful influence on your life. Everyone in life is looking fortheir soul mate & sometimes we think we found them but then somethinghappens to separate our bonds. Remember that you always have someone wholoves it very much, it's transverses space & time. Every night think or say to thosepeople who were there for you through the good & bad you lovethem. Life is hard and seems like it's not getting easier, but theseconnections recharge our soul so that we can power through adversity.

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