Subway Ride

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A hot expresso in one hand
a shoulder bag on the other hand
I ran to the subway station,
not an uncommon scene for me,
because somehow I am always late
as usual today also,
If I did not catch the train in next seven minutes,
I would have to face my grumpy boss again, which I tell you is no good
Almost bumping into everyone on my way,
and hearing a handful of curses and displeased looks thrown at my way,
I finally made it to the station just in time
Keeping my eyes once again in the crowd of people, I searched for a certain grey eyes,
a beautiful pair of grey eyes, I have been seeing for the past three days, or was it four, who cares
Me being me, the introvert self gives a small smile to that beautiful face everyday, in response I receive a grumpy look back...
He knows about his good looks, but that attitude...
Giving me a little smile back, would not make you any less attractive Mr.
But then again why should a hot guy like him, look back at someone like me...
Should I approach him,
I still have three minutes left for my train to come,
keeping my ego at side, I went near him,
He threw me an "are you out of you mind" look, which I completely ignored
My hands were itching to run through his curly hairs,
I could not control myself and that was what I did,
Now, should I introduce myself, well I should after stupidly invading his personal space.

"Hi Doggy, Nice to meet you, I am Leena" and a wag of tail was all I got back

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