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It was Halloween day—decorations scattered around the house. Phil had proposed the idea to Tommy that they all dress up as ghostbusters for Halloween.

Of course, Tommy shoots down his idea (pun not intended).

"Come on, Tommy, it'll be fun!" Phil says, questioning his son on why he wouldn't want to, "Only if we can play the song." Tommy signed; he knew Phil wouldn't want to disturb others, especially on a holiday. But this time, Phil said yes.

"Yeah, of course we can; after all, it wouldn't be Halloween without music!"

This shocked Tommy. Phil was allowing him to play loud music!

Phil opened Wilbur's door, peering inside and smiling.

"Wake up, Wil." Wilbur groaned, looking up at his father. "Yes?" He asked, and his voice softened with lingering hormones from deep sleep.

"We're going as matching costumes." He held up Wilbur's brand new outfit, a tan uniform with a chamber attached to the back, and attached to the hanger were black gloves.

"We're all ghost busters, and Tommy is the monster!" Phil smiled. For an old man, he had lots of energy, gleaming with a bright smile. He motioned for Wilbur to get up.

"Is Techno up?" "Yes, he is; you're the last one up, sleepyhead."

Wilbur walked down the stairs alongside his father, watching as Tommy played loud music. Technoblade sat on the couch, watching as well. His pink hair fell along his back; you can only see the speckles of black from his shirt mixed in. It's rare to see him not in full-prince outfits.

"Where'd Prince Technoblade go?" Wilbur teased, earning a quick "Shut it." From Techno. Phil didn't say anything about it though; you could most definitely tell Techno was his favourite son out of the 3, 4, if you counted Tubbo.


Music blasted out of the boombox Techno held, and the lyrics of hunting ghosts flooded out. Since they were all dressed up as ghostbusters (besides Tommy, as he was the monster), they had to play the theme song, 'Ghostbusters' Tommy pointed up at a hill, and a satyr figure stood on top, looking down at the group of people.

"It's Tubbo!" Tommy shouted, gleaming with joy, as he grabbed Wilbur and started to run up to the goat. Wilbur ran behind, or well, was dragged behind the excited teenager seeing his friend. The duo embraced in a hug, both happy to see each other.

"You're the monster!" Tubbo smiled

"And covered in slime." Wilbur stated, panting from the run, that he was much less energetic than Tommy and definitely not as fit for running up hills willy-nilly.

"Well yeah I see that," Tubbo laughed, "What would he be covered in if he want a monster?"

Wilbur paused to think, unsure of a clever remark to say. Unable to think of one quickly he shrugged,

"Tommy! Wilbur! Come back!" Phil shouted for the duo, or trio now, to come back down. Wilbur walked down the hill while Tommy and Tubbo ran. When they approached the next door to trick or treat at a middle-aged woman, in a golf cart, told them off for playing music this late.

"You guys need to stop playing your stupid theme songs this late! I'm trying to sleep!" She yelled, clearly pissed off at the group's shenanigans they preformed. Wilbur smirked and decided to do an 'awesome comeback' because he missed the other one earlier.

"Well you shouldn't be sleeping if you're driving, especially if there's kids around!" He replied, earning a chuckle from Tommy, and a hit on the arm from his father.

"Excuse me?!" She exclaimed "You can't just say that!" She was livid, practically yelling at Wilbur. Her hands that were clutched on the wheel had a stronger grip now, almost as if she was trying to ball her fists, but not move them. Like she wanted to make a clean getaway

"Ma'am I'm so sorry-" Phil apologised for his son,

"Save it." she scoffed and drove away. When she was gone Phil gave Wilbur the 'You're dead when we're home' look and the group continued to walk. Tommy and Tubbo excitedly rang every door bell they could, even though they were teens they were happy at the thought of having candy.

In the end they had fun, and Wilbur got grounded when he got home. In the true halloween spirit Tommy and Tubbo are so much candy they threw up, and then begged to not go to school the next day, which didn't work.

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