Healing Shadows

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It's been a month since Iumie saw Kurama. He had informed her about a mission that required him to return to the Demon World. Uncertain about when he'll be coming back, he made a promise that he will no matter what. Despite his assurance, an uneasy feeling lingered within Iumie, fearing that something bad might happen to him, she hopes for his well-being and that one day he'll knock on her door unharmed with a bright smile on his face.

Winter started to slip through the atmosphere, the wind turned brisk, and that particular night bestowed a graceful cascade of white snowflakes. With a sense of longing in her heart, Iumie perceived the night as colder than it should be. Her desire to see Kurama grew stronger, especially with Christmas approaching. She couldn't describe the emptiness that filled her days, Iumie decided to take the usual route she and Kurama always take alongside the park after finishing her shift, although it would take longer to get home since it's a detour rather than taking the highway to get home faster which was the route she took for the past month.

The park was a silent and dark place at this hour. Strolling aimlessly, Iumie couldn't decipher why she chose this route, as if an inexplicable force beckoned her down this path. Despite the detour, the change in scenery triggered memories of walking home with Kurama, inducing a subtle pang in her chest. Lost in thoughts of him, she mused, "I wonder how he's doing right now... I hope he's fine." While mindlessly navigating the pathway, a peculiar sight caught her peripheral vision. Instinctively, she turned her gaze toward the mysterious silhouette – a figure leaning against a tree, clad in white with faint black or red patterns. It seemed oddly familiar, and upon closer inspection, her eyes widened, jaw dropped, and her heart sank as recognition dawned.


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"No... Kurama?!" she gasped, rushing towards the man who now stood before her in his demon form. Panic surged within her as she realized that something had indeed happened to him. With trembling hands, she reached out to him, her fingers gently stroking his once-gorgeous, now blood-covered face. "What happened to you?" she questioned, attempting to steady herself.

As she touched him, a white fog emanated, synchronized with his faint breathing. Straining to hear, she noticed him mumbling something. Leaning in closer, she caught fragments of words. "Mie... Iu... mie... Iumie..." he repeated her name in a desperate murmur.

"I'm here, I'm here now. Don't worry," she assured him, her concern evident in her voice. Trying to assess his condition, she sought his pulse but found none. Doubt crept into her mind. "Wait, do demons even have a pulse?" she pondered aloud, her thoughts racing as she grappled with the gravity of the situation.

The snow intensified, and panic set in as Iumie noticed Kurama's lack of adequate clothing for the cold. Hastily, she unraveled the new scarf her brother had given her and wrapped it around Yoko's neck, hoping to provide him with some warmth. With determination, she attempted a piggyback ride, carrying him through the strengthening snowfall on their journey home.

Amidst the journey back, she could still hear his faint mumbling of her name. The weight of the situation pressed on her as they approached their apartment, a place they had called home for over a year. Fearing the potential consequences of taking him to a hospital, Iumie opted for the stairs, avoiding the elevator and any prying eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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