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"ᴍʏ ᴅᴀʀʟɪɴɢ ᴋɪᴏᴍɪ

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"ᴍʏ ᴅᴀʀʟɪɴɢ ᴋɪᴏᴍɪ..."

╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯




The clock ticks, nonstop, every second, of every day. The small arrow points to the number 4, as the long arrow moves to the number 6. Dark is the room, with only the light of a computer monitor lighting up half the room. The girl continued to sleep, her arm underneath her head as she gripped the pen in her right hand.

Kiomi's Pov




A woman, her hair as pure as snow, her white yukata stained with red blood. Her voice calls out to me, yet her face seems a blur.
Where am I?

I look down, my feet in the shallow water surrounding us. The place had nothing, a dark void, with nothing but water on the surface where I stood. I look back to the woman in front of me, her tone soft as she stood there.

"My darling Kiomi..."
Her voice soothed out the feeling of uneasiness, I smiled from recognizing the familiar presence.

I breathed out, taking a step forward but to no avail, not moving an inch. Suddenly the water felt heavy as my legs tried to trudge through. I groaned, holding out my hand as I could feel the ground under me sinking, my legs disappearing into the dark water.
"Nee-san!" I screamed out, and yet she made no move to assist me in any way.



I felt myself slowly sinking down into an endless sea, the water so dark as no light came in. My mind swirls in drought as I close my eyes.


A faint call of my name, almost barely heard.


My hearing is muffled, I can't even answer.

"Oi Kiomi!"

I jolted awake, breathing heavily as my chest heaved up and down. I looked to see my door being knocked on non stop, the sound echoing throughout the room.

I looked down to see the pen in my right hand,
the pen being snapped in two. My eyes followed to see the time, 04.43.
'And who's trying to wake me up at this hour?'

【koi no yokan】Yuta OkkotsuWhere stories live. Discover now