The Ride to Home.

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It was 3 am. I was tossing and turning in my white sheets, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. I never found it. I could feel my anxiety settling into my bones. It was my 6th year at Hogwarts. Tomorrow was the first of September, the day I would get on that bloody train and head back to school. I love Hogwarts, it's my home of course. But there are so many lies, too many secrets; things Dumbledore and the others aren't telling us.

We all know the Dark Lord is coming. None of us admit it. All of us are frightened. None of us show it. There was no way I could ever get to sleep now. There were too many thoughts eating away at my brain. I grabbed a textbook from a near bedside table. I caught up on some studies, just to ease my nerves of getting a question wrong and looking stupid on my first day. As 5am became closer, I got even more anxious. I had this feeling, like a part of me was missing. Like someone or something was linked or connected to me, and then disappeared. I've had this feeling since I was in the fifth year, when I had a strange dream. It was less of a dream, and more of a feeling of someone snooping on me, paging through my thoughts and memories.


Like someone knew all of my secrets in an instant. Harry had a dream like that as well. We hadn't actually spoken very often until that night. Harry and I became a whole lot closer. We talked all night long in the common room after that. I also got closer with Neville, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George. I hadn't had many friends before them. And the few I had back then weren't my real friends anyway. Until I met them, I was drifting alone through those long corridors, along the other real ghosts in the castle.

Harry and I still had the dreams, but less frequent. We knew it was always at the same time, and Harry's mind had gotten much stronger than mine. So he would snap himself out of it long enough to come to my dorm and wake me up. We always just sat there and held each other until we felt less shaken. It always ended the same way. Once we were calmed down, we would go our separate ways. The next morning, we would pretend it never even happened at all. It's how we got through it. Those dreams were painful for me and Harry. There was always a connection between our dreams. If he was in one place, I would be somewhere near. We would feel some sort of a pull to each other. And I never saw my own parents, I only saw Lily and James Potter. Which was weird because they weren't my family.

I had to snap out of my thoughts when Bernie, my owl started to nuzzle my shoulder. She would do this every morning, even when she knew I was awake. Sometimes she would softly coo in my ear. I give her a small pet on her head as if to say, "I'm up." I get out of bed, and head straight for the bathroom. I take a shower, and I magically dry myself off.

I'm a Halfblood witch. My mother was muggle-born. She went to Hogwarts herself, as did my father. But she wanted a simpler life. One without magic. She was fine with me being a witch, but she gave her magic life away. She refuses to touch her wand. She now works for a fashion magazine chain. That's basically how I get all of my clothes. She always gives me left over clothes from "photo-shoots", or whatever they are called.

So, I throw on my favorite pair of skinny jeans, my little brown booties, and a long-sleeved tribal print shirt. It was my favorite. I had laid out my outfit the night before. That's what I always did. I couldn't stand not being organized. Everything had to be neat. I straighten my cinnamon brown locks, put on some light makeup, and put in my silver hoop earrings. I pack the last of what I needed, and put Bernie back in her cage. She was itching to spread her wings, and I let her do so when I ride in the train. She flies alongside of it for a while, and then comes back in to rest. She is young and very active. I grab my trunk, and Bernie's cage, and head down the stairs, leaving my now empty bedroom for another hell of a year. My mother was getting ready to leave as well, grabbing the keys to her muggle car. She gives me a sympathetic smile.

In the Darkness; I Saw You. A Draco Malfoy Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now