Holiday Hosting

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He's lost sight of her.

He hates when that happens, when he has no idea of where she is.

He shakes the hand held towards him one more time and then, as the lady moves away he glances all round. He sweeps his eyes from left to right and ...


He can see the golden glow of Jilly's hair, smiles at the familiar tilt of her head, the curve of her back as she leans down. Her hands are pressed to the back of a chair and she is talking earnestly with a young couple.

No, not talking.

She's listening.

Listening to a veteran and spouse he'd bet.

The couple are sitting at one side of a long table set for forty people but somehow the three of them are cut off from the others, like there's a forcefield around them, or maybe a special bond between them, he figures.

He glances around the room again and then back to the table. The tableau of the three of them is compelling. He'd love to go over and say hi but ...

'Mr. President?' the voice is insistent, he obviously missed a question. With one last look at his wife he turns back to the lady in front of him.

She's their guest too, he figures.

'My apologies. Merry Christmas, welcome to the White House!' He greets the woman heartily, turning his attention back to the line of folks waiting for him.

Ten minutes later he discreetly looks to his right. The line is finally beginning to lessen. He and Jill did a three hour photo line together and it's surely been thirty minutes since they tried to leave the first time, but how do you say no when all a person wants is a moment of your time, when a second can make a memory like no other.

He looks towards Jill again. She's still there, still listening. He figures she's ok for another little while, she looks totally engaged. He glances behind and Annie leans in close. 'Whenever Jilly wants to go just break me out, ok' he says and he's already shaking hands again and Annie murmurs in agreement.

It's another twenty minutes when he feels a gentle tap on his back. 'Dr. Biden is ready to go up, sir', Annie tells him. His nod is barely perceptible to anyone else but the staff know the signs; all around the room the agents begin to shift, to prepare to extract the first couple. He sees Jill move away from the group she's now talking to.

'I'm so sorry but I can only be another two, three minutes before I really have to go', Joe says loudly. He hears the murmur of disappointment ripple around him. He looks along the line, it's about another thirty people. How many people are actually at this party? he wonders.

'Adam, let's take one group shot with all of these lovely folks in the queue and I'll make sure you all get a signed copy. How's that?' he calls and he sees Jill turn to look in his direction as the guests cheer loudly.

'Jilly, will you step in too, honey?' he calls across the room to her and she makes her way towards him.

The folks babble loudly, delighted now to get in a photo with both the president and the first lady.

Jill slips her hand along his back and he glances in her direction. They share a smile, a wordless exchange. They each know the other wants to get going, to get upstairs and enjoy some precious time alone.

'Everyone look this way, please', Adam calls loudly and the whole group look directly at his camera and smile in unison. Glittering gowns seem to sparkle against the backdrop of the decorations on the Christmas trees, the black tuxes, elegant before the fireplace.

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