Carhops & Sailors

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Joe takes a peep at his watch; 7.43pm. He needs to be by Jill's side before 8.00pm.

He looks around. There are people everywhere. Folks standing in groups, kids playing chase. A queue has formed for the ice rink. That's been a real hit. It seems like the simple pleasure of skating on the ice at Christmastime has not diminished one ounce since Jill's childhood.

The aroma of a hotdog catches him. He turns in that direction and he sets his hand on his rumbling tummy. He turns to Jacob. 'I'll take some food soon. Source it from wherever the agents say, I don't mind, but I've just realized that all I've eaten since lunchtime is a sundae', he says and Jacob makes a note.

Joe reaches out and lays a hand on his arm. 'Has Jill had anything?' he asks.

'Umm, I'm not sure, sir', comes the reply. 'I can find out ...',

'Nah, it's ok, I'm on my way to her now. I'll find out', Joe tells his assistant as he turns his searching eyes across the lawn again.

He catches sight of her. She's standing with a group of friends. Her sisters are there too. He spies some of her co-workers; teachers, the lady from the telephone exchange at the front office, the janitor from Jill's wing, the man's wife is around too, Joe knows. He was chatting with her earlier when their kids asked if they could use the ice rink. Joe called to Maisy to make sure they got a turn.

He makes his way across the lawn, shaking hands and smiling at folks he's known for years but, unusually for Joe, he doesn't dally. He's determined. He wants to be at Jill's side within the next few minutes.

'Well, I don't have to ask whose arriving', she says aloud, her back to him, as she sees the agents spread out and encircle the group. 'Hi, honey', she says, looking over her shoulder, smiling in his direction.

'Hi babe', he replies, slipping his arms around her, settling his hands flat against her tummy. She leans back against him and he dips his head and kisses her forehead. She closes her eyes as he makes contact, her face a picture of blissful joy at his presence. Their friends smile as they watch the antics of the couple.

Jill finishes telling the story she was in the middle of when he arrived. Joe steps a little to the side, Jimmy and Frank and his brothers-in-law all stand near, other guys gather around him. They keep looking towards the roadway along the perimeter of the grounds.

At 8.00pm precisely a car horn beeps.

At first nobody pays much attention until they hear another and another. Soon the avenue is filled with the sound of engines. Pairs of headlights weave their way along the drive and the beeping of horns fills the night, cutting through the music and the babble of voices.

Jill looks around for Joe. He was right behind her until a few moments ago.

She sees him just a few steps away, standing in the middle of his brothers and her brothers-in-law and various cousins. She sees their neighbors from Rehoboth and old friends who worked with him in the Senate, his agents are standing close, they seem to be more interested in what's driving up towards the White House than anything happening on the lawn.

She looks at the faces of everyone around Joe and knows that he's told them what to expect.

She studies her husband.

He's been so wonderful tonight.

He's always wonderful to her; thoughtful, supportive, kind, fun, helpful. But he hit it out of the park tonight. This whole evening has been nothing short of magical. He's taken her childhood memories and recreated them for her. Taken cherished moments and made them anew.

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