Chapter II - Secrecy

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ACT I: "Trapdoor and an Archive"

Yurei walked by the long grassy hill of the unknown, he stood there, looking at the horizon as he approached the place of unknown. The further he went and moved, the further the surrounderings stretched, already far, far away from the time or distance, now far away from even the Nous-Suprima layers that made everything come together, now all outside his view or perception, as he visibly transcended to the new sector of Mythoversum, particulary the Intellect Sector. It was place so devoid of what he knew and got used to, to the point that it was for him like learning to walk again, after all, he didn't visit this sector in a really long time, not that he was much capable of existing here for prolonged amounts of time anyways. It was for him, like swiming in the vast ocean underwater. By the time all the issues went Yurei became stronger and stronger with more knowledge - before with the struggles against Marauder it all seemed hopeless - but now Yurei is now stronger in knowledge - and experience of his own power, discovering his further possibilities. He is ready to meet Phonn.

As he walked by the grassy hill, looking over the landscape of the unknown, he sighed as he looked over the endless possibilities that is above him. World revolved chaotically around the horizon as he got closer and closer to his original destination.

"Closer and closer..." - Said Yurei to himself, as he crossed over the horizon, he looked around as he raised his hand over his forehead as he looked over the wide horizon that is presented to him. The weird wind-like feeling striked him as it felt like he was in the Vessel World for a moment.

"I have to make sure of something, it is of high importance to get back to the old garden. However, I know it myself only from legends..if it really does exist, I will be able to extract important information back again; since I remember, most of my works are stored 'somewhere', and while I do not know myself where, this is my persumption; the graden." - He said as he slowly moved through the hills as the landscape above him deteriorated. Slowly, as moved through the emptiness of major grassy hills and the upcoming pink horizon that would coat the entire sky above him, he would look around the place with his palm fingers as he looked around this empty place devoid of entites.

"As one ever was here, huh? Untouched landscape, as if I was first to ever discover it, however, I persume it is only the beginning of what I will have to go through." - Yurei said as he grabbed the sheets of some sort of map as he held it tightly against the unknown wind-like phenomenon that made his 'map' ragdoll back, he had to position it accurately so that he was able to see where he is, however once he stretched the sheet of the map, he would lose grip of it and the entirety would fall on his face, it would take him couple seconds to regain his vision and he looked then again at the map, this time he was able to control it.

"So much still infront of me, hah? Still a fragile idiot like I was before, it's just... at least I am trying to do something about it, haha." - He said to himself awkwardly as he scanned the empty fields after briefly looking at the map, with the fast motion, he hid the map as he glared over the distance.

"Honestly. . .even if I dont find anything at all, it might aswell be the best place I could ever find myself with, maybe not in particular this structure but- in general view...I would say this sectors seems the calmest, the least bumped with wars and other things that would bring one to tears...its, as if this was the nirvana of my life...Out of any troubles, wars, conflicts, and the devoided landscape." - He said as he smirked lightly, walking towards the 'direction' he would find correct. However he obviously has not moved through 'space', it was a radiculous claim to say, as there was no space nor time by the definition, it was something else, upcoming to an abstract value perhaps, it was not space but something that is an illogical form of space, something that is not mathematically correct but is a placement for ones to experience? Who knows, however as Yurei passed through the vast place of the grassy hills and horizon, he slowly started to realize that it doesn't bring him anywhere, it started getting somewhat dark, and Yurei has not yet found an exit.

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