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Then there was this one particular destination he came across.

The air felt different, but he liked it either way.

It was a Saturday, rendering this as an opportunity for Chihiro to roam around once more. But where, exactly? He thought about going far, like Fukuoka but before he knew it, he had arrived to the place where he had seen the blonde teen the week prior.

He wondered to himself if he would see her, but thought against it since she looked like she was on some sort of vacation. But in the middle of a semester? A bit peculiar if you asked him.

The grey-haired teen looked to his side to see the park he went to previously, the beauty of the scenery never faltering. He continued his walk, securing his laptop bag on his side as he entered a café. He ordered a cup of coffee before turning his laptop on and began working on a thesis chapter so that his classmates would not pester him anymore.

Boring, is what he would describe on what was happening in his life at the moment. His first year in college is already half way done, and nothing extravagant really happens. He sighed and sipped on his coffee, looking out the window with his cheek resting on his palm.

He caught sight of something strawberry-blonde entering a fast food chain with two other people. It was the girl who waved at him last week. She was bouncing with excitement when she had ordered a simple burger and french fries before sitting down near the window where he could see her clearly.

Chihiro raised an eyebrow at how shallow she was acting. He could only come up with one word as he observed her; "Airhead." He mumbled before taking a few sips of his coffee. He didn't call her an airhead just because she was blonde, it was because of the way she moves. Especially last week when she had waved at him, a complete stranger, who was plainly staring at her. Did her parents teach her not to make any contact towards strangers? Did it not come to her mind that he might be a serial killer on the loose or something else?

But wait, why is he worrying for her well-being even though he only saw her once, excluding this time? Never in that one time has he even spoken to her.

Chihiro sighed and ran a hand through his hair, looking at the cheery looking teen at the corner of his eye.

The blonde sensed that someone was looking at her, and her gaze landed on the same grey haired teen who she saw a week ago after looking at her surroundings. An idiotic grin made its way on her lips as she waved at him and yelled, "Hey there! It's you again, hi!" which gained the other customer's attention.

One of her friends quickly placed a hand over the blonde's mouth, mumbling a sorry to the other customers before reprimanding the airhead for being so noisy.

Chihiro saw the small commotion she had caused and sighed, her actions confirming that she was indeed an airhead.

Although another question came into his mind as he gazed at her. How does she see me? He thought as he saw her exit the fast food chain and head towards the park as she separated ways with her friends.


Another week passed, and he found her in the park again where he initially saw her first. She was up on a tree trying to reach for a Frisbee disk while children were cheering her on. But the thing is, she was wearing a skirt. Was she not aware that the wind that was blowing in the park?

Chihiro sighed and face-palmed inwardly, casually walking near the tree where she was standing on. "Hey, get down from there." He said a bit rudely, but the blonde paid no heed to it.

She looked down and gave him a grin. "Oh hi! It's you again!" She exclaimed happily, almost losing her footing on the tree branch.

The grey haired teen sighed again. "I said get down before you fall down."

The blonde raised an eyebrow at him. "But I didn't get the Frisbee disc yet." She reasoned since she really wanted to get the disc for the children.

"You do realize you're wearing a skirt and people could see what's up there." He pointed out, making the girl look at her outfit. "Now get down before I go up there and push you."

She pouted and went down the tree slowly. "Meanie." She mumbled when Chihiro climbed up the tree and retrieved the Frisbee disc and gave it to the children.

"It's called being blunt." He remarked, dusting off imaginary dust off his clothes. Chihiro looked at the blonde, seeing that she was gazing at him as if she was amazed. "What are you looking at?" He asked brashly, his eyebrow twitching.

After a few seconds, she seemed to snap out of her trance and smiled at him idiotically as she shook her head. "You, obviously." She said, snickering at the end of her sentence. "You're very handsome up close by the way." Was her next remark which caused the grey haired college student to accidentally choke on his spit due to the abrupt shock.

"How doyou even remember me?" He asked as he shifted his weight on a leg, recovering from the mild shock he experienced. "You look like an airhead."

The girl shrugged in response. "I don't know, I just do." She replied, ignoring his last statement. "Maybe it's because you're not familiar to me in this town." She hypothesized.

"Ah," He mumbled, looking away from her gaze.

"So why are you always here?" She asked, lightly jumping on her place as she looked at the peculiar looking boy she always sees every week.

"The scenery," he replies quietly, "it's fit for reading."

The blonde blinks owlishly at him and tilts her head. "Excuse me, mind repeating what you said? I didn't quite hear it."

Chihiro's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. He had said his simple sentence clearly, was she that of an airhead to not understand what he had said? Sighing, he replied once more and the girl apologized sheepishly for not understanding earlier.

She glanced at her wrist watch for a second and her eyes widened. "Oh, I'm late." She said in a panicked manner. "I'll see you sometime, Grey-san."

Grey-san...? Chihiro questioned, a bit confused at the nickname.

"Bye-Bye!" She exclaimed, turning her back to him but not after five steps, she tripped on her own feet and face planted onto the grass, groaning in pain afterwards. "I'm fine...?" She mumbled, wiping her face with a handkerchief that was handed to her by Chihiro. He held out a hand and she accepted it whole-heartedly, grinning sheepishly at him when she got to her feet. "Sorry you had to see that."

Chihiro nodded once. "It's fine, just be more careful."

She bowed at him one last time and ran from the park, her figure disappearing fromhis sight as she turned to a corner. "Geez, what an airhead."


a day late update bc I had a fever yesterday

Any feedback? c:


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Don't forget to vote and comment! It makes me inspired to write.


~ kirami

#AkaRami ftw


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