7 minutes til a kiss

1 0 0

Athena p.o.v

The walk up the building's spiral stairs was unnerving.

The main part that freaks me out is how dimly lit and isolated it is. My apartment is on the other side of the building and the only way there is through this claustrophobic hall. I always feared someone chasing me, the power of the flickering light going out completely, or even somebody standing at the top and kicking me back down.

Anxiety was a frequent factor in my life. It was one of the things I hated most about myself.

I hated how quickly something so amazing could occur and my mind impulsively contorted its face into soot. How something minuscule could evolve into a greater evil.

And the reason for the nonexistent panic and the reason for my staccato heartbeat was walking behind me, a few ledges behind.


The worn-down steps echoed as we finally made it to the second floor and turned down the slim hallway.  There was an outdated wallpaper on the walls that was meeting their end since they were peeling. Also, weird and out-of-place framed pictures splashed around.

I'm forever grateful for always having a place to call home. I know I'm fortunate that I never had to worry about that and yet, I always feel guilty when I wish that my situation was better. From the sunken floors, flickering lights, the weird smell that travels down from the third floor, and people arguing every night...

Mama always told me to appreciate what I have since there's someone in the world who doesn't, but is it so wrong to want more?

I fumbled the keys in my hands until I found the special one and we entered.

I throw the same cheesy smile I always do when I make it home.

The previous owner had painted the walls pink and since that's not allowed on the contract, they ended up getting sued, but on the bright side, the landlord was stressing about the pink and how hard it would be to find a tenant.

Mama had talked to him beforehand and he expressed his doubt and how costly it would be to repaint the entire apartment, but Mama informed him about me and I think manipulated him into lowering the rent since he was stressed about finding somebody.

Not happy about the manipulation, but I'm definitely happy about having a place to call all mine.

The smell of the Jasmine perfume that I'm wearing is still floating throughout the house. I'm happy that the scent doesn't make me melancholic anymore.

I heard the front door close and the lock shift and my smile sank lower than the hallway floor just beyond the door.

I like my house for me. The only other person who comes is  Essence and I know she likes my 'lifestyle' because she isn't far from it herself.

Nobody (especially Grayson), would like something like this.

Since I was born, I was surrounded by childish elements. At one point, it made sense because I was young and I was my parent's first child. No wonder they coddled me. But once I reached a certain age, they didn't have to influence me, I loved it.

The pink walls and my stuffed animals lying on my couch with a show playing as if they could watch it was embarrassing for me. I guess I'm so used to doing things like that, that it becomes second nature because I don't remember setting them up.

Unintentionally, I found myself with my arms spread out facing the man hoping that I was big enough to block the kiddish explosion that was on my sofa.

His head slanted. "What are you doing?" He began to take steps forward. His height was at my disadvantage as he squinted his eyes above my head. Knowing he saw the family of plush toys, I throw my hands behind my back, swearing innocence.

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