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Zen was completely caught off guard by what Mr. Claude said. He knows that he has the potential to be promoted if he stays longer in this company, but not to this extent! He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw sincerity in the boss' face.

Zen stutters— can't put proper words for all the emotions he is currently feeling, "Uh... S-Sir, thank you... but I... I don't know what to say."   It was too sudden for Zen to comprehend such promising words.

"You don't have to say 'yes' right away. I'll give you some time to think about it."

Zen nods repeatedly, flustered and grateful. "Thank you, sir."

'To think that Mr. Claude thinks highly of me for just a single meeting!'  Mr. Alfonso blushed a little and the boss saw it and found it adorable.

It didn't take long before rumours started to mysteriously circulate among the employees. A lot of them were surprised because of a sudden possible promotion and to a high position at that! They couldn't help but grow suspicious of Zen's intentions.

"He has feminine looks, had he committed indecent acts?"

"Aish, no way! He's a beta, you know."

"We could never tell the truth."

"I heard he came from a prominent family. Maybe he used his background."

"Come to think of it, his surname seems familiar."

Emma Claire slams a book onto her desk and sternly coughs, "C'mon guys! We're at work, we should practice professionalism."

The female and male employees who turned quiet looked upon themselves with guilt and shame.

Just then, Emma the superior puts a sly index finger on her chin as if thinking something thoroughly, "It is a bit odd that he got offered the secretarial position. (Even I tried to get that role.)"

Then they looked at her, agreeing with eyes full of doubt for Mr. Alfonso. "Right?!"

For the next few days, Zen always felt dagger-like stares at him. He didn't know what was wrong but he felt in his guts that something was off.

On lunch break, he was grabbing lunch meal with Emma when he popped a question he was meaning to ask. "Um... Ms. Claire, is it alright with you if I ask something."

Emma shoots a smile with a hint of worry. "Sure thing, what is it Zen?"

Zen looked restless. "Do you think that I had done something terrible at work?"

She thinks for a while before responding, "Not that I recall of. Why, does something matter?"

"You see... I've been having goosebumps from all the stares I've been receiving for the past three days.   so I was wondering if it has something to do with my work."

"I'm not sure, has it?"


His eyes appeared perplexed by her weird statement. It was very unlikely of her considering she was always the kind and cheerful one.

"W-What do you mean—"

Emma stands up from her seat and grabs the tray of her leftover food. "I'm done eating, I should go now."


Emma walks a few feet away and partially glances at Zen's way before saying, "You're more sly than I thought you were. I guess you deserved to be appreciated for your hard work."

With that, she leaves the dirty tray on the section for used trays and utensils and then promptly leaves the canteen without turning a single glance back at him.

Now, Zen even looks even more worried than before. 'Sly? Hard work? What does she even mean by that?'

Sly is such an odd word to be placed with the term hard work in the same statement.

"Or maybe I heard it wrong," Zen says to himself. He could be right because the canteen is buzzing with hungry people so it's always loud. Plus Ms. Claire said it in a fairly quiet tone so it's easy to misunderstand.

Zen continues with his job like nothing happened. He simply let go of his worries. Ms. Claire didn't say a word of it again so he tried to move on as well.

The stares are the same as usual. But aside from that, nothing was out of the ordinary so Zen brushes it off like dust.

He still delivers paperwork to the CEO from time to time. And every time the boss brings up his suggestion, Zen only forcedly smiles.

It is because Zen is too overwhelmed by such a good opportunity. He feels like he doesn't deserve such luck! But the employees especially Emma didn't know about his refusal of course as the situation was not even meant to be shared in the first place since the conversation was made privately in the boss' office.

"You sure you won't accept such an enticing offer, Mr. Alfonso?" Mr. CEO breaks the silence with a small hint of impatience.

Zen sighs regretfully. "Yes, Mr. Claude. As I said, I am underserving of such a high position. I am afraid that I might fail to meet your expectations, sir."

He grunts as he massages his eyelids, "If only you knew."

Mr. Alfonso tilts his head a little, "Pardon, sir?"

"Never mind that. Fine, I'll let you have it your way IF you become my temporary secretary."

He knits his eyebrows. "Sir—"

"Just for 3 months. Please. After that, if you still won't accept my offer then I won't bother you anymore." He looks at Zen pleadingly with growing desperation in his tone.

'How could a rich and handsome man like him sound so desperate to make me his secretary?'

"Boss, I already told you I'm not—"

"Thrice the monthly wage, no— scratch that, I'll make it five times your wage."

Zen flinches with the thought of money. He could easily earn enough for his father's hospital bills.

He almost gave in. He let out a small laugh.

"Okay, sir. You almost got me there."

Sevastian looks at him sincerely, expecting a certain answer, "So what do you say, Mr. Alfonso?"



"Haa. Fine, Mr. CEO. But I'll only accept thrice the monthly wage."

The boss suddenly clenches his fist in the air failing to control his excitement. Zen looks at him almost laughing.

"Ahem. Anyways, I knew you would eventually say that, my secretary."

"Temporary secretary." Zen promptly corrects without batting an eye being the usual prim and proper man he is.

The man in his black swivel chair smirks before going along with Zen.

"Alright. My temporary secretary Zen." He says teasingly pairing it with a handsome smirk that Zen finds annoying.

(To be continued.)

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