Chapter 7 Dark Shadow

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Everybody got up later than usual this morning.

The whole town seemed somewhat slow.

No young fairies and elves had their training that day because Catherine and some of the other Elders had to prepare the fairies and elves for getting their wings.

Tanya woke April up with the good news.

Aaron had sent for April.

She was supposed to start working.

She got up and got dressed.

She put on her purple mini-dress.

She took her hair down and combed through it, her hair was left fizzy since April left her hair braid in all night. She then met Tanya in the square, making their way to Aaron's shop.

"I'm so happy 'cause I'm finally starting my work and everything, but he chose to wrong time ever to call for me." April wished that she was more prepared and had a good night's sleep for her first day of work but, nevertheless, she would not change one bit about last night.

"Tough luck... You went to bed late last night, did you?" Tanya raised her eyebrow in question.

"Yes. I can't exactly remember what time I went to bed but I feel like I only had a couple of hours of sleep."

"You were suddenly gone last night... Where did you go?"

April knew she had to think fast. "I needed fresh air so I went for a walk."

"You were lacking fresh air on the balcony?"

"Yes. You got to admit it was chock full of people there."

"You know, you're not the only one who disappeared..."

"I'm not?" April tried to act clueless.

"Livian was gone too. The two of you weren't together, were you?"

"Of course, we weren't. I barely know Livian."

"That's true."

"Have you seen Dairon today?" April said hoping to change the subject.

"I have. He went to meet Catherine and the others."

"Is Dairon getting his wings today?"

"I really hope so. He was so excited."

Then they headed slowly to the market and into Aaron's shop.

When they got to the shop, April realised her hands were sweating. She was anxious.

Tanya knocked on the door and then walked in. "Hey, relax."

April followed her hesitantly. "Easy for you to say."

"You're making a big fuss for no reason. You'll see."

Then they heard some footsteps coming from the back part of the shop, and soon afterwards they spotted a large red-bearded elf with a long ponytail. "Hey, you're here. Thanks for bringing her in, Tanya. Hello, my name's Aaron."

His giant-looking appearance left April speechless. "Hello, I'm April."

"I apologise once again for having kept you waiting for a few more days, but... It's the Elders. An ordinary elf like I am can not say no to them."

"If you were an ordinary elf, then they wouldn't be calling for you. They needed your help." Tanya pointed out.

"Well, it looks like I wasn't much help to them." Aaron frowned.

"What? How come?" Tanya wondered.

"We couldn't find a solution."

"I can't believe this," Tanya said.

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