Chapter 1:Ocellus

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Thorax was at the tree. He was hanging upside down and feeling dizzy. He shook his head to snap himself out of his dizziness.

He flew back down with his wings. He immediately regrets himself about being part of the queen's army.

"Oh man. I was trying to tell that we could share love but it's too late." He thought to himself in anxiety mood.

He's walking in the middle of the forest.  A few minutes later he grew tired and he had no idea what to do but to lie down for rest.

His stomach is roaring loudly in hunger and he is hissing and covers his mouth and and folded his hooves in his stomach.

But before he hunts for his prey, he suddenly found something moving. It was a Pukwudgie. He had an idea of his own.

He transformed into a Pukwudgie to attract it.

His idea is working and so the feast begins. He lit his horn glowing green and opened his mouth. The Pukwudgie is feeling weak. A stream of thin, wispy pink light came from its chest. It swims down to Thorax's throat scraps every single dreg as he could. He licks his lips in satisfaction.

He burps and covers his mouth and blushing.

"Whoa! Excuse me." Thorax said in a embarrassed tone.

"Well come to think about it, I haven't eaten it and now I never been so full."

The little Pukwudgie is passing out ever since Thorax was feasting on its love.

The changeling is flying and before he tracks down his brother, he saw a changeling. And she's different. Her skin is gray and her fin shell and tail are see through had a color of of salmon.

Thorax is running towards her.

She woke up and seeing Thorax.

"Hey who are you ma'am?" He asked her.

"It's Ocellus. I am part of the queen's army too you know." Ocellus said.

"Oh it makes sense."

"Oh I can't believe this happened to us."

"Tell me about it Ocellus."

Ocellus is getting up slowly and she is walking towards Thorax.

"Hey thanks for finding me Thorax." She said with a smile on her face.

"Well it's least I could do Ocellus." He said while blushing.

They're both walking in the forest.

(To be continued)

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