Chapter 23

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OBS. NOT EDITED. Since there is a whole lot in this story to edit and rewrite I decided to upload the last chapter even though I'm not entirely done with it. This is , like I've already said, the last chapter and this story will not be continuing. I will tho update it by editing the chapters since I don't feel done with it. Thank you all who have been reading this and that you have sustained my bad english and grammar, love you all MWAH

I fliched at the beeping sound as the door opened. A part of my brain replayed what the nurses had told me once again.

"There's a young man looking for you" The lady said while brushing my hair. I stiffened and let my terrified gaze lock with her in the mirror. "Who?" I asked but my heart was already beating faster, I knew there could only be one person missing me. She looked into my eyes and saw the fear that was reflected in them. "Don't worry." She said and gave me a reasuring smile. "We explained your condition to him and told him to expect the worst." I felt my heart sink in my chest but I knew it was the best. If Niall knew about my brain-damage and thought that I had forgotten him maybe he would move on and be happy. That was what was best for us both. I felt the tears run down my cheeks as I silently cried over my lost love. Atleast he could be happy now. The nurse avoided my gaze and looked down at her knees and my whole world raged as she spoke. "He wants to see you"

Another door opened with the same piercing sound. Grimacing I tried to mentally prepear myself before I entered the room. My head felt heavy and I let my gaze travel the room slowly. The room was rectangular with a table and two chairs. On one of the chairs was Niall. The sight of him was as always breathtaking, it didn't matter that his eyes were tired and red, it didn't matter that his hair was dirty and stood in all directions, he was beautiful. I felt my heart pound heavily against my ribs and I struggeled to catch my breath. The tears were burning in my eyes and I turned around. Clenching my fists I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Breathe in, breathe out. I bit my lip and pushed the tears down before turning around and send him the most careless smile I could posses.

Niall rose up from his chair and his dark-blue orbs connected with mine. "Emmy.." He breathed and aproached me with open arms. I put my hands up and stepped back, sending him another smile before letting my arms fall down again.

Niall stared at me with open mouth before he shok his head and let his arms fall down. "Emmy I..." He started but I put up my hands again, cutting him off. "I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked him, smiling politely. Nialls eyes widened and his mouth fell open again. "I..I-don't.. you don't remember me?" He said and I could hear his voice get thick as he furrowed his eyebrows and searched my face for recognial.

Digging my nails into my palms I managed to keep myself from wrapping my arms around him. Stay strong. But you love him, the voice in my head whispered. I pushed it down together with the new tears, forcing myself to stay emotionally empty. "No sorry." I said and shrugged my shoulder trying to hide the fact that my body was trembeling for his touch.

"But I love you and you-" He looked away and bit is lip as his eyes got blank from the tears. "You loved me." he whispered before turning his gaze back to my eyes. His blue eyes stared into my soul and I inhaled sharply. Clenching my jaw I fought the scream that was building inside of me.

"Did I ever say that?" I asked with a casual voice as I kept myself from drowning in his orbs. "Yes" He said and smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes and he bit his bottom lip again. "Yes" He whispered again and nodded a little. My whole existence screamed at me and tried to drag me to him. Comfort him. Love him. But insted I forced my facial expression blank and met his eyes with an ice-cold gaze.

"Well...I guess thats just another common lie." I said and turned around so I didn't have to see his expression when what I said hit him. Biting my lip I opened the door and closed it behind me. The tears sprung from my eyes and sobbs shook my body. I clunched my chest with my fist trying to keep my heart into one pice. The pain was unbearable and I fell to the floor, curled up into ball keeping myself in a whole. The emptyness that filled me was worse then any pain I had ever experienced.

I fell into a state of total blackness, barely noticing the nurses with empathy-filled eyes that lifted me up and carried me to my room. I laid in my bed with the tears flowing from my wide open eyes. My hands clenched the sheets as Nialls expression kept playing in my head. I guess thats just another common lie. Another common lie. Lie. Turning around I pressed my face against the pillow and screamed.


2 weeks later

I stared into my reflection. There was something bothering me, my eyes were red-rimmed and swollen as if I had been crying all night but when I tried to remember everything was foggy. I felt it stir in the back of my head and flashes of blond hair and blue eyes played infront of my eyes. Furrowing my eyebrows I stared harder at my reflection. There was something, something I had to remember.... or someone? I stared into my green eyes and tried to grab it, only for it to slip between my fingers. Sighing I gave up and threw the blue toothbrush in the sink. Well it couldn't be that important could it.


6 months later

Nialls P.O.V.

My hands clenched the wrinkled piece of paper and I let my thumb caress the letters she had once written. I felt a tear fall down my cheek as I bit my lip and once again red the words "....I am so sorry I should have never dragged you into this just do whats best for both of us and forget everything, I know for sure I will.." I took a deep breath and scammed through the letters til the end. "I'm sorry, and I love you xx Emmy" I let out the breath and stared at those three words that I had so blindly believed in. A picture of when I had seen her the last time flashed before my eyes.

She inhaled sharply and cleched her jaw, as if my presence annoyed her and she wanted to punch me. "Did I ever say that?" She asked, her voice casual as if she wanted to get it over with. I stared into her eyes and tried to find anyting that could reveal that she was lying. "Yes" I smiled in an attempt to hide my breaking heart. It didn't work and I took my bottom lip between my teeth to prevent myself from crying. Nodding I felt a lump grow in my throat. "Yes" I whispered and tried to catch her gaze. This can't be her. I kept telling myself. This is not the Emmy I love. The Emmy that talks to herself, who smiles at the stars the Emmy who's biggest dream was to own a grey kitten. Her facial expression grew blank and I felt my heart sink as i met her cool gaze. "Well...I guess that's that just another common lie." She said and turned around, she had had enough of me and I stood in the room frozen to the spot. The girl I loved had enough of me.

I brushed away the tears and rubbed my chin, tossing my upper body front-and back. Suddenly the sound of heels against the floor reached my ears. Looking up I saw Victorias stunning frame. "Hey babe" She said and sent me a warm smile. I smiled back at her and hid the note in my pocket. Raising up I watched her drag her fingers through her long blonded hair as her bright-blue eyes scanned my body. "Hi hunny" I said and took her in my embrace. Maybe I can learn to love her, I thought to myself as I hugged er tighter and smelled her femenine scent. Yeah, she was beautiful, smart and adorable I could learn to love her. But inside my head a little voice started to talk. Liar, it whispered over and over again. Liar.

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