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Green light. Part one

The rookies have been working harder and longer shifts then intended to

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The rookies have been working harder and longer shifts then intended to. Being a Rookie they weren't really granted any personal or vacation time unless something extreme happened

They were all tired, cranky at times, and couldn't wait to leave to go home. Jessica had been as what she called it thriving lately. She been taking care of her mental health, her appearance, and making sure she's healthy.  People seemed to notice the new glow and attitude she had to her, especially John. She seemed happier.

Jess was leaning against the table in the briefing room as she was chatting with Lucy.

"I need a break. I can't believe we don't get a single vacation or personal day during our entire probationary year." Lucy says with a long sigh as she tilts her neck side to side.

"It's how we prove our commitment" Jackson says. Nolan enters the room joining the conversation "Wearing wool in august isn't enough?" He questions with a laugh.

Captain Anderson starts to call everyone's attention from the top of their stares. Tim walks into the briefing room "Let's go, boots" he says.

Everyone stands below the stairs as they give their attention to Captain Anderson.

"Everyone, gather up. All right, guys, listen up. Internal Affairs will be conducting random integrity tests this week." She explains.

"Reversals" Lucy says, captain Anderson nods "That's rights Officer chen". She says before moving on.

Officer Nolan looks confused "What's a reversal?" He asks.

Tim looks over at Nolan "Where cops go undercover to rat out other cops" he says with an eye roll. Tim wasn't too found of Reversals he thought it was a waste of resources.

"IA officers will be spending the week pretending to be criminals so they can analyze how we treat them." Captain Anderson continues.

Every officer listens to Captain Anderson briefing before they are dismissed. Jess walks with Lucy to the armory so she could grab the gear bags.

"Are reversals really that hard to spot? I mean, you can usually make a cop by the way they walk." Nolan says grabbing a bag.

"Not these guys. They train for this. It's like the Super Bowl to them. They go all-in. About two years ago, they took over a bank and masqueraded as robbers just to test our response time." Bishop explains.

"That's dedicated" Lucysays grabbing a head bag. Tim helps her with a bag "No it's a waste of resources. That's why it's my mission to seek and destroy

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