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Have you ever wondered to what if your soulmate have really died?


Namjoon was called to the assigned room where different task are given to each spirit. These were among the good ones where the spirits were all ordered to what to do and how to handle stuff. Being a new spirit, Namjoon didn't had any idea to what was going on and where he actually have to go, looking around the place where the other spirits like him were roaming around, and he did noticed how he was walking on some soft cloudes.

"Kim Namjoon?" He heard his name being called out which made him look around not knowing how to answer since the voice was heard from somewhere above where he has no idea to where to see or walk.

"Please keep walking ahead" he heard the voice ordering him to which he obeyed and walked ahead wanting to know where actually was he going and to whom was he meeting with, having the information that he was directly called here for a task.

And he did saw a door at the corner of the way from where other spirits were exiting so without thinking much he walked near before walking in peaking a little finding a whole different room, controlled by superpowers.

"Come in Namjoon" he recognised the one sitting on the chair. It was an angel, smiling at him and motioning him to come in which he did hesitantly looking around the so unfamiliar and new place somehow amused to how everything seem to be floating in the air.

But he won't deny to how beautiful the angel was, having soft golden hairs falling on his forehead with huge wings behind, dress shining with white and face glowing like some miracle.

"Uhm why actually am I here dear Angel?" Namjoon asked kind of intimidated by the Angel even tho he looked welcoming and nice. The Angel smiled warmly at him snapping his finger together causing for Namjoon to flinch a little when suddenly a screen lightened up in the air showing a females photo and a whole lot of written information about it but Namjoon didn't understood anything, looking back at the Angel confusely.

"What is that?"

"Your task. You're new here, and a good spirit so this is your first task being a spirit. The girl you see there?" The angle brought the photo right in front of Namjoon for him to see it perfectly as the now spirit stared at the unknown girl, having glasses on, red hairs with a small simple smile on her face and having a scarf around her neck.

The more Namjoon looked at her, the Angel noticed how a blush got crept on his face and how the spirit fighted a smile on his face scanning the face of the girl again and again causing for the angel to giggle out.

"She's your soulmate" he informed taking Namjoon's attention as when he processed to what the angel just said to him, his eyes widened and he showed open shock on his face staring at the Angel freezed.

"Expected reaction, the way you admired her, says it all that you find her beautiful which she is, extremely but guess what, you're a lucky one, she's not only beautiful outside but inside too, her heart is the purest to exist there in the world and you both were assigned as soulmates" the angel informed him in detail about the girl which was still on display in front of her. Namjoon can't help but look back at the picture of his soulmate and get lost in those eyes which were hidden behind the glasses.

"Wait... But.. I'm a spirit?? How are we soulmates?!" Namjoon frowned, asking the question out which hitted him like a truck not understanding something there as the angel smiled again.

"Yes you died before even meeting her but your both reunion is written in the after world that is this world where you are in already Namjoon" he replied showing other pictures of the young girl to him who was awestruck by the information.

"Reunion? How come reunion when I've not even met her? What's her name?" Namjoon asked his doubt again not able to take his eyes off from his soulmate as the Angel smirked noticing how the spirit was already lost but he answered further.

"That's why you're here Namjoon. You will be assigned a task, to complete your soulmates Christmas Wishes, her name as you can see is Liz" and that's when Namjoon saw his soulmates name appearing infront of him in bold. The information which again made him a bit surprised looking back at the angel who stood up, his huge wings closed behind his back.

"Christmas Wishes... Of my soulmate, Liz" Namjoon muttered following the figure of the angel who walked near another table which was in the air, removing something before walking back to where Namjoon was standing.

"Yes, this is her wishes for this Christmas, you have only five days in hand to fulfill your soulmates wishes before you will be called back again, remember, it's in your hand if you want to appear in front of her or not, however you please, this is your task about your soulmate so be careful and don't forget about the time, we'll send you directly to where she is, all the very best" the Angel smiled warmly at Namjoon who blinked taking the paper where the wishes were listed down on.

"Wait this is empty... There's no wishes here?" Namjoon asked confused when he found nothing on the paper.

"Exactly, you know why there is nothing? Because you have to find it out yourself, you are her soulmate, once you land on the earth again, you have to be around her to find what necessarily are the things she wants but never really spoke about it, this task is a bit tricking so use your mind" Namjoon was left speechless hearing the Angel now seeing himself in a tough spot where he didn't expected something like this atleast.

First he found it here itself that he have a soulmate, now assigned a task to fullfill her Christmas wishes which wasn't even written down but he have to find it out on the earth. Noticing the lost face of Namjoon, the Angel patted his back soothingly.

"Don't worry, you've got yourself some powers being a spirit so it's gonna be okay, you're not a human anymore but she is so remember you hold all the responsibilities too, good luck with it" he soothed nodding to him as Namjoon breath out clutching on the paper, determined to complete his task and fulfill his soulmates wishes.

"I'll do my best... Thank you Angel!"

"Jimin, my name, no formalities with me" Jimin gave the other one a welcoming smile to which Namjoon smiled widely thankful to know such a kind Angel but then he realised all angel's are kind, however he was sure that Jimin would be his favourite for now.

"Also the second you exit this room, you will be on the planet Earth, see you soon" Jimin informed him the main thing to which Namjoon nodded again pretty much excited to finally meet his soulmate back on the planet earth where once he used to live but was called early to his after life.

And here he was assigned the task which he was determined to complete and see his soulmate smile.

----To be continued........

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