Chapter 27: Out of the Water

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

🚿Out of the Water🚿


"What are you doing?" He mumbled.

"I said I'm not drunk!" I retorted.

"You're not." What he just said put a smile on my face and nodded at him. I finally get a hold of my hand and throw it off him. Silence came but never placed a barrier between us. I sat comfortably. The wooden floor felt like an embrace.

between the silence, I found the right time to converse. "They said it's dangerous for a drunk girl to be alone with a boy...but they would never say it's dangerous for a drunk boy to be alone with another boy," I blurted like it's a trivia of some sort.


I nodded. I curled up and placed my arms on top of my knees, hugging myself.

"Why is that?" He asked.

"'Cause...why would a boy do anything to another boy when he's drunk?"


"Not all people do nothing...some people do everything they want."

"You're right," he agreed. I looked at him.

"You'll never get it. You're not that. You're straight," and broke off the stare.

Did I tell him that I'm...I looked again to wonder. Never mind, he's just a stranger.

"I get it...some people are just ignorant and narcissist. People only want people who share the same interest. If you're different, they'll despise you."

"Then will you despise me, if you knew that I'm a bit different?"

There was silence peaking in.

"...No, even from the other me in the other universes."


We both laughed it off, lifting up the mood.

"Do you have someone?" I was taken aback by his next question.

"Are you hitting on me?"

He shrugged his shoulders

"I don't know."

"You don't?"

"I think there's someone." My head started hurting. It might be from the chemical I drunk willingly that I don't have any knowledge what would it do to me. My brows knitted together thinking hardly of something. I wore a bemused frown and parted my lips slightly.

I looked at the person I was talking to. It was like looking at the sky into his eyes, looking at the forest, quiet and peaceful. Emerald on his eyes reminded me of someone. Quizzical looks on mine as I fathom my reminiscence.

"I'll just get water upstairs." He stood up and went to the door. Opening it ajar before shutting it. Silence engulfed the room. I couldn't tell if it was already night or it's just the darkness lurking to me. I feared those eyes left me.

"You're," I uttered onto the air. My breath hardened and some parts of me started trembling. The noises of crickets worsened tearing my ears apart. I tried covering it up with my hands, tightly to the point that I would hear no more. "You're always leaving me..."

"Hakky," I heard someone whispered a word. Instincts told me that I knew that word, I've always knew that word. He told me that I knew whose voice is that. I heard it came from outside the windows. I took a glance and it was closed, the curtains, too.

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