Chapter Eight

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Dylan: Are ye serious? Ye be haven the motivation to start up dis here story again? Tis be a miracle!

Donovan: Ay! That be true Dylan. Ar Author has de motivation again!

Lights_Off_Attic: Oh shut it you two. I even need a break from just fan fiction. And  I unknowingly gained so many readers! So, I apologize for Hiatus!

Dylan and Lionell sat finished packing up all that was used for cooking during their stay. The shore boat had already been packed and loaded on the ship twice. Donovan stayed ashore to watch and make sure everyone had packed everything and got it back to the ship. Even the cooking supplies were in the third and final trip for their things then it would be the rest of the men's turn to return to the ship so they could get going once again. Dylan began to pay attention to the skies. Checking to see if the weather would change and go to a storm. But the gentle breeze and the clear skies said that the weather would stay good at least a couple hours and at best  the whole day. And with them gone Dylan would not be any danger till later on, hopefully. 

The shore boat finally came back for the rest of the crew and Donovan picked up his mate. He then took them to the boat and let the rest get in and they were off to the ship. Many islanders began to peak from the plantery line and some women even walked towards the shore line as if to go after them. But they had just watched as the pirates left and went about their own business. Dylan was happy to be away from the place and back to the ship. One place he was used to being on. A place he knew all about. But all he could sit due to the activity he and Donovan partook in last night. He was very unhappy that he could not walk about without looking weird. He pondered on the conversation he and the cook had, had. He didn't know if they knew what a real Possession looked like when they were mad, if they all believed that Possessions were all beautiful all the time. 

"Donovan!" Dylan called as he saw the Captain walk just five feet from where he was  placed on the steps. Donovan approached his lover and quirked his eyebrow in answer to being called. "Do you know what happens to Possessions when you anger them to a certain point?" 

Dylan gulped as he waited the older mans answer. He was slightly afraid of what he was going to say about this. 

"It is told that when a Possession is greatly angered they turn into a harpy like being just not as beautiful. They grow horns and a beak and feathers. But are unable to fly. The only one to actually calm the being is their mate. So let us all hope we do not anger you. Though I doubt you would try to cause any of us pain it is still a scary thought that i would not be the one to get angry for you and cause my crew the damage." Donovan said truthfully. 

Dylan smiled up at the man he had now as a mate. He gave a small chuckle and Donovan swooped down to give Dylan a quick kiss that made Dylan blush. Donovan went on his way and Dylan sat where he was and watched the crew begin their duties with the sails and everything else. Dylan paid attention to the sea and all the water that surrounded him and all that was on the ship. All was safe for them for a long ways off. He could not detect any thing that would could harm the ship. They were now on their way to the Island that held everyone's lovers, and family. Dylan smiled at the thought and the feeling of freedom came to warm touch his chest. He had a mate, a crew and a ship tp protect. He felt that life was complete and beautiful. 

Everyone who came to see the boy smile instantly became happy and got into a good mood. Everyone was a victim to Dylan's happiness and there was no escape from it. Even the shy seemed to be happy and the wind picked up slightly helping with the ship to go even faster ti their destination. Donovan felt a sense of pride that everyone took in his lover with ease and that no one seemed to really care that he was sitting on the steps not moving and slightly in the way. they were just way too happy. They were merely a couple days away from home and everything was going good.  No one would be able to stop them from all that was going on. And not even the Navy was close enough to detect them near the islands. 

All was good. For the day and hopefully for the rest of the days that they were sailing. 

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