Threads of Treachery: Chapter 8

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There was something prodding me in my back as I awoke on the hard ground in the mines.

I looked up and saw two men clad in royal blue standing over me, two swords glinting at both of their sides as they lent down and hauled her to her feet. A blank expression plastered across one of their faces as their hands wrapped around the top of my arms, their fingers and thumbs nearly touching around my fragile arms.

The torches had been relit, even though the other prisoners slept soundly. I saw Ash eyeing them as my eyes roved around the cavern that stunk of sweat and decay, I gave her a small nod, just a quick dip of the chin, as if to tell her not to attack the guards that violently dragged her tatty boots across the rocky floor.

The lighter, damp cavern was an improvement to the small tunnel I now found myself in, the only light was an almost burnt out torch a few metres away. The tunnel was cooler than the mines, but the familiar scents of ash and sweat still hung in the air as the sound of the guards expensive armour cut through the silence.

I didn't ask questions as we rounded the corner and travelled down a stuffy corridor. After a few minutes, both guards released me from their grasp, realising I was no threat to them.

I'd done some training before, for a week in the Lysanus Mountains with a small unit of female soldiers who weren't allowed to train with the Lysanus, a highly-trained and completely brutal unit of the King's army. The females were overlooked by the King's Army, but were lethal and honed into deadly weapons by the years they'd spent in the dreadful conditions of the mountains.

Mother had forced Aphina and I to learn some self-defence from a small group of females who resided in a small village at the foot of the mountain. I never questioned why mother had been so insistent and vehement on learning self-defence until that night. The things she was repaying them for would never happen to Aphina and I, I saw her silent promise to herself weigh down her shoulders as we watched the life drain out of him.

The guards would have me face down into the gravel in a matter of seconds I concluded as we rounded another corner and the tunnels opened into a generously sized room.

I almost bolted down the corridor when I saw who stood in the entrance of the room. Queen Nefta herself. She was tall. So much taller than me, she must have been at least five foot seven. She wore a cerulean blue gown that was so closely cut to her body that I could see the inviting curve of her hips and breasts. The gown had pearls embroidered down the panels of the waist and diamonds lined the low-cutting of the top. Her hair was tumbled down one of her shoulders, clipped into place by hair pieces that looked remarkably similar to the deadly weapons the blacksmith had been making. Her hair looked like a tumbling river, silvery-blue, and so shiny I wondered if it I could see my reflection in it.

Almost blending into that icy-white skin that seemed to repel the sunlight, no brown or tanned hue there.

Her eyes were a striking blue, they reminded me so much of Rupert's that I could have dropped to my knees and wept.

What was she doing here?

"Seraphina, join me", her voice was soft but strong, a command and not a request, an order and a caress. It spiked a fear I hadn't felt since I'd arrived here, slicing my soul like a knife. I wondered how many men had found themselves doing what she wished before they even realised. She signalled for me to enter the large room, which was probably the only room in the mines that had patterned tiles on the floor and cream painted walls. A small chandelier hung from the roof, the light in the torches reflected in it and patterning the plain room.

A faint scent of berries and vanilla and something deeper, that cut through the sweet scents, I couldn't place it, had never smelt it before, wafted through the room.

I nervously shifted to stand further into the room, flanked by the guards.

"Oh, you can leave us alone, she's not going anywhere", the Queen instructed the guards to leave and they shut the door before they'd even realised that they'd left a prisoner alone with the Queen of their Kingdom.

Tentatively, I looked into the blue, icy depths of her eyes. A kind look was plastered across her face, softening the harsh lines of her jaw and cheekbones. Another mask that she pulled from her endless drawer I realised.

Was she waiting for me to bow? I think I would laugh in her face if she asked me to do that.

"There has been a grave error. You should never have been sent to Cupraem, but to my private residence in the capital, Amarys. I must offer my apologies for your Father, General Lazar's head is no longer on his shoulders because of his incompetence." I must have stopped breathing as she spoke, I loosed the breath I didn't realise I'd been holding in. I didn't know what shocked me more, that I was going to be freed from Cupraem or the casual manner in which she discussed the beheading of one of the General of her army.

"Of course you will be escorted to Amarys as soon as we are done. I have a few things to sort out here, but once I am finished, I will be returning to the Palace and will discuss how I can possibly repay you for the cruelty you have clearly been subjected to", she motioned to my delicate form that was peppered with welts and bruises inflicted by the guards.

"Ash", I blurted out before I could stop myself. "To compensate me, I urge you to release Ash Thrindrel and allow her to go home", I looked down at the gravelly floor as I placed my hands in front of me and interlaced my fingers.

"Done." Her voice was almost musical as I looked up to find her smiling, her cheeks plumped up and her eyes glittered slightly. A trick I'd used to look gentle and weak before I'd spilt blood.

Warily, I allowed my lips to tug up slightly as I watched the Queen.

"You are dismissed. The guards have been instructed to take you to the above carriage and personally escort you to the capital. Again, I am so very sorry for your Father, I hope you will see how far I am willing to go to repay you for him." Her words sounded like a threat laced with sincerity and softness. A nice bottle of poison wrapped in bright coloured packaging and tied with a bow.

I turned and made my way to the guards that stood at the end of the corridor, suddenly alert and keen as if I was a mouse and she was the cat ready to rip my insides out.

She wanted something from me, and it wasn't forgiveness, I thought as I watched the sun make its ascent into the sky and the warmth kiss my skin as I stepped out onto barren land.

I was trading this brutal prison for one that smelt of lilacs, roses, and deceit.


I thought I would do a bonus upload as it's Christmas Day. 

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