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Monarch closes in on Cate, Bill, Kentaro, and May as they try to track down a key individual.

Cate and Bill had stayed at a hotel after the whole had passed in it had become nighttime and they both are headed to a train station to the airport to head home.

As Bill and Cate are in the middle of walking down a Semi crowded street they had mostly been quiet after everything that happens so far since they've gotten here.

Bill gains a word feeling in the back of his throat, he weirdly feels as if someone is following them but decides to ignore it think it's his own mind playing tricks with him.

Cate's phone starting ringing out of the blue and their mother is speaking in a mostly frantic and panicking tone.

"Cate! Bill! Where have you've been"

"I'm sorry"

"I've been calling and calling you!"

"Mom we're fine, we're coming home"

"Already?, what did you find out?"

"It doesn't have anything to do with us"

"What's that mean?, what does it have to do-"

"What did it always have to do to with?, Mom, him?"


"We'll talk when we get home, okay?"

"Don't do this"

"Love you, bye"

"Catey do not-"

Cate hangs up in her mother once again, which makes Bill wonder what their mom's gonna do when they get back.

"You know mom isn't gonna because happy when we get back right? Bill ask his sister.

"Look, I'll apologize when we get back but let's just get to the airport"

"Loud and clear sis"

They both look up on the arrival times of all the trains to see when the next one is gonna arrive.


Both Randa's look to their rights as a large man with graying hair and glasses comes up to them randomly.

"Excuse me?" Cate questions the weird man.

"Sorry I-I don't mean to eavesdrop I just-, I-I overheard your accent, sometimes this place make you feel like your stranded on another planet"

"Well we're glad that we helped you" Bill takes his sisters hand to take them over to the ticket booths but the weird guy follows them.

"We're you guys headed?"

"Look I don't mean to be rude but me and my brother have made all the new friends we can handle for one day, thanks" Cate snaps.

"Yeah nah nah, I totally get it, young women and teenage boy abroad runs into a strange man at a train station, and next thing you know is you're buried alive in a coffin somewhere" He jokes.

But he doesn't gain any laugh out of neither Cate or Bill and they both turn towards him with weird expressions in their faces but turn away from him.

"I can't imagine that helped"

They both start walking off trying to get away from him but the weirdo still continues or follow them.

"Hey wait wait wait, look look look, hey, I'm harmless" he says with his hands up trying to show us that he isn't a threat.

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