Waiting For Him- Jungkook

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The clock struck midnight, raindrops tapping a soothing melody against the windowpanes as Y/n sat nestled in the cozy corner of her living room. The soft glow of the lamp illuminated the pages of a book she pretended to read, but her thoughts wandered miles away to where her boyfriend, Kook, toiled endlessly in the studio.

The relentless rain seemed to mirror her worry for him. Kook, the devoted artist, poured his heart and soul into his music, often losing himself for days on end. Tonight was no exception. He had vanished into the studio's creative abyss, leaving Y/n alone with her thoughts, her heart tethered to his artistry.

Sim traced the path of a raindrop trickling down the window, lost in the rhythm of the storm outside. Her mind conjured images of Kook, his focused gaze, his passion evident in every note he crafted. She admired his dedication, but the longing for his presence grew with each passing minute.

The silence of the night was occasionally interrupted by distant thunder, and Y/n couldn't help but wonder if Kook was taking a moment to appreciate the storm's symphony amidst his creative fervor. She imagined his soft smile, the one that melted her worries away, and silently wished for his safe return.

The clock ticked away, the hours blending into one another, while Y/n patiently waited, her heart yearning for the familiar sound of the door opening and Kook's warm embrace. As the rain continued its lullaby, she held onto the hope that soon, very soon, she would feel his reassuring presence once again.

Y/n glanced at the clock, realizing it had been hours since Kook had a proper meal. Knowing his penchant for diving into work without taking care of himself, she swiftly decided to remedy the situation. She dashed to her car, the rain now a steady downpour, creating a symphony of pitter-patter on the car roof.

With determination, Y/n navigated through the slick roads, a sense of urgency propelling her forward. She arrived at Kook's favorite restaurant, ordering an array of dishes she knew would tempt him away from the instant ramen that had likely been his sole sustenance for the past couple of days.

Armed with bags filled with savory aromas, she pulled up to the studio, her heart fluttering with anticipation. Y/n marched inside, determined to find her dedicated musician amidst the whirlwind of creativity.

"Kook?" she called out softly, peeking into the dimly lit studio. She spotted him hunched over his equipment, lost in a world of melodies and beats.

Kook turned, surprised to see Y/n standing there, a small smile gracing his tired face. "Y/n? What are you doing here?"

"I brought you some proper food," she replied, setting the bags down on a nearby table. "You can't survive on cup ramen, you know."

He chuckled, appreciating her concern. "I lost track of time. Thank you, Y/n. You're a lifesaver."

Y/n smiled back, knowing that he often got carried away with his work. "Come on, take a break. You need to refuel before you dive back in."

As Kook eagerly opened the containers, the aroma of familiar dishes filled the room, eliciting a satisfied sigh from him. Y/n watched him eat, content to see him finally enjoying a proper meal. Their conversation drifted from work to lighter topics, laughter punctuating the air, as they shared a moment of respite amidst the storm of his creative process.

Y/n sat beside Kook, the warmth of the studio lights casting a soft glow on their faces. With a gentle tone, she inquired, "Are you coming home tonight?"

Kook hesitated, his eyes flickering with a mix of determination and guilt. "I wish I could, Y/n, but I really need to get this done. It's important."

Y/n couldn't hide the hint of disappointment that crossed her features. Her voice softened, and a playful pout formed on her lips. "You've been in here for two days, Kook. I miss having you around, your cuddles especially."

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