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today momona comes back from her trip , we're picking her up from the airport , i'm so excited so is xochitl , we've already planned a whole day , we're not sure if the boys are joining but even if , we'll still have a good day , we haven't seen momona in a month , she's one of our best friends even though it's mostly only the four of us , she's still and will always be our best friend

"hey beautiful" jazmine says too xochitl on the face timel call

"hi gorgeous" she greets back with a smile

"super excited ?" jazmine asks

"yes omg" xochitl says

"me too , i can't wait any longer" jazmine says with a huge smile

"only 45 more minutes" xochitl adds clapping her hands excitedly

"45 minutes too long" jazmine says rolling her eyes

"right , are connor and brady going too" xochitl asks

"i don't know , i didn't ask them yet" jazmine states shrugging her shoulders

"add them too the call" xochitl suggests

"great idea" jazmine says adding them

"what's up" connor says

"hi ladies" brady also adds

"hi , are you guys going with us to get mona" xochitl asks

(the reason i chose mona and not momo is because of that scary momo lady , idk if you guys know what i'm talking about 😂)

"sure" brady answers

"yeah i'm down" connor says

"we'll pick you up in 30 , bye" jazmine says

"bye" they say in unison

just like that 30 minutes flew by and it was time to get the boys and go to the airport

"can someone connect to aux" jazmine asks as she's driving

"should i play our favourite song" xochitl asks excitedly

"please" jazmine says smiling

(wildest dreams by taylor swift)

"do they have to always play this" connor asks brady

"looks like it" he says rolling his eyes

"listen and remember" jazmine says mainly talking to brady

"but this is gonna gonna take me down , he's so tall and handsome as hell" jazmine sings pointing to xochitl

"he's so bad but he does is so well , i can the end as it begins my one condition is..." xochitl sings

"say you'll remember me standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset babe , red lips and rosy cheeks say you'll see me again even if it's just in your , wildest dreams" they sing together

"they're crazy" connor says chuckling

"yeah" brady says staring at jazmine

"i said no one has to know what we do" xochitl sings

"his hands are in my hair , his clothes are in my room" jazmine sings along

jazmine side eyes xochitl and xochitl laughs

(my eyes by travis scott)

"we're almost there" jazmine says excitedly

"step on the gas please" xochitl pleads

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