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"mcdonalds anyone" jazmine asks holding her keys waiting at the door of xochitl's home

they all agree and they head to mcdonalds together.

"the usuals right" brady questions as he orders from the passenger seat

they all answer and order , once they receive the food they park , eat and head home.

we should bake something , we could make that trending youtube video , the blind deaf mute thing" momona suggests

"i'm so down , i saw the sturniolo's (😛😉) doing it , seems fun" jazmine says taking off her jacket

the rest agree to the suggestion

"fuck , we have to go to the store" xochitl says

" what'll take the longest to make" brady asks

"probably a cake , why" xochitl questions

"no reason" he says with a shrug

"okay let's go then" jazmine says

they arrive at the store search the isles till they see what they need

"from scratch okay , no cake mix" momona adds

"okay so , eggs , flour , milk , oil , cocoa powder , sugar , water , pinch of salt , baking powder , fuck what else" jazmine thinks

"babe , i have most of this shit at home" xochitl says putting a hand on her shoulder

"i know , i'm just going down the list" she says with a chuckle

"how do you even know the ingredients for a cake" brady questions slinging an arm over her shoulder

"i know my shit" she says holding his hand (his arm is over her shoulder so his hand is obviously hanging above her milker , not that it's saggy , i'm making it worse , you get it right ? yeah you do)

they found a great recipe online and they decided to just get most of it besides the obvious home necessities

"hey sorry , could i get a picture with you" a girl comes up to them to talk to brady shyly

"hey ,yeah sure no problem" he says with a smile

"could one of you take it please" she asks sweetly

"i'll do it" jazmine says politely to the probably 10 year old

"thank you" she says handing her phone to jazmine

"no problem sweetie" jazmine says with a smile

"thank you , bye" she says walking off waving

they all say their goodbyes to the little girl

"sweetie ?" brady questions slinging his arm around her shoulder once again

"do you have a problem with it , sweetie" she asks in a seductive tone (not sexually 🙄🙎🏻‍♀️)

"no ma'am" he stated flabbergasted tone

"good" she added

"okay we got the shit" xochitl reports , as they head to the cashier to pay

they head home , set up the camera to start

"okay , let's start" connor exclaimed

they got ready and started recording

"hi , i'm here with some people" momona began

"i'm jazmine aka bun-" jazmine jokes , getting cut off by brady

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