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Later on that day domonique asked me if I planned on telling my parents or showing to the school that we're a couple and that I liked girls
I kind of hesitated a bit too long and she got mad rolling her eyes at me and sat Down in the living room

What are you mad at me for" I ask her putting my hands out
She huffed saying "I'm not mad just don't understand why you so worried about they opinion"

I looked at her saying "my reputation has just started plus Im not like you your family accepted you but I I've with my mom she may not accept me and then where imma go she won't let me stay with you she'll make me go with my brother and he doesn't even live in this state " I raised my voice at her "DAMN I'm sick of hoes thinking my life is easy it really isn't this all is a front"

"Wait woah I ain't no hoe so you better chill with your words and if your reputation at school matters that Much than we won't last cause I can care fucking less about what they think of me and so should you I never said they would accept you but it's best to show the real you than to hide reen " I grabbed a blanket and later down in the basement while she stayed in her room tonight

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