Chapter 3

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Today is my birthday, I turn 18. Which means in exactly a week, I will be Mrs. Valentino. Right now, I'm getting ready for my party. My father told me he was throwing me the party of the century. Where he got the money, I don't know, and I don't think I want to know. As they say, ignorance is bliss.

As I'm applying makeup, I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in." I turn to find my father, oh here we go again.

"Ariana, you need to hurry up the man will be here soon, and I don't need any more embarrassment when it comes to him, do you know the humiliation I endured in order for him to agree to this marriage? Don't mess this up for us or I won't hesitate to disinherit you." 

This man makes me want to bang my head on a metal repeatedly and just end my misery. I want to tell him that, but I don't.

"I Know Papa you've said. I won't mess it up I promise."

"Good, now hurry up I'm serious." and with that he leaves.

I've always believed I would make it out of this hell, always thought I would finish school, change my name, and leave. But clearly, it's impossible now, there's no way I can leave if I'm married to the king of this hell. There's a reason people fear him and it's not just because he rules over us, I know if I marry this man, there's a chance I won't make it through our wedding night.

With a defeated sigh I finish up my makeup and put on my birthday dress.

With a defeated sigh I finish up my makeup and put on my birthday dress

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**Later During Party**

As soon as I enter the hired ballroom, I begin the rounds of greeting everyone who attended, its mostly old people, people who work with my dad, and their children as I do not really have any friends and prefer to keep to myself, I do not really know these people.

As I engage in a conversation with my dad's boss's wife, the room goes silent, I freeze, feeling a set of eyes on me, I want to turn around, but I know the second I do the rest of my life will be set in stone. I feel the eyes roam around my body, I'm so overwhelmed and I have no choice but to turn around.

I let out a soft gasp.

A pair of the most haunting eyes meet mine, they are grey, and they look as if they carry a storm within them. This man himself seems to carry a storm wherever he goes. I see need in them, I see possession, and I'm afraid.

The man has a firm build, looks about 6'4, and looks the definition of power, He's wearing a black suit, and a face of solemnity, all these qualities lead me to the conclusion that this man before me is,

Salvatore Valentino

He's beautiful, how could someone so beautiful be as cruel as they say? there's a strong urge to touch him, feel him, have him. This feeling is foreign to me, which makes me even more fearful.

He begins to draw near, now I'm just terrified, everyone in the room disappears, and it's just the panther, drawing to catch his prey. there's something else hidden in those eyes, at first, I think it's the need to harm me, but it's not, it's something else, I just can't figure out what that something is. 

He's here now. "Hello." He says as he looks down at me, his voice is deep and rough, something in my chest tingles.

I can't do anything but let out a soft Hi, as I look at him in awe. We just stare at each other. 

He then gently grabs my hand and pulls me out, I want to pull away, tell him to stop, I barely know this man, but my body has already begun defying me for him. this should terrify me, but for some reason, it doesn't.

I'm pulled into a balcony that showcases the city beneath us and he sits me down on a couch.

"So, it is you who is to be my wife," He begins.

I say nothing too afraid to speak, and he goes on.

"What do you know about me?" he asks.

"I've heard you are cruel, you leave no exception for family, and you kill mercilessly without thought." I say with a trembling voice.

"Much of that is true, but I will give you my word now, I will never hurt you in any form, unless you betray me. I do not take kindly to traitors. You shall be my wife, my queen, and you will be treated as such nothing less, you are quite young, I assume you may still want to go to school, I will not keep you from that, I will give you freedom I am not that much of a monster to not. But if you take advantage of that freedom, you will never see even the sun again." His voice is firm and threatening.

"Yes sir." I let out weakly.

"It's not sir, its Salvatore, or husband if that's what you prefer." he lets out with a small smile.

 He has a beautiful smile.

"I have something for you," he pulls out a case, it seems to hold a necklace "this is yours, it has a tracker within it, so you need to have it on at all times, promise me you'll never take it off."

"I promise."

it's beautiful, it has a diamond in the middle, a very large one, and i have no doubt that its real. he gets up, pushes my hair aside and puts it on me.

"I'll treat you well, I promise." and for some reason, I believe him.

"Now let's go back, they probably think I've killed you by now." He lets out an annoyed sigh as he leads me back inside.

My hand in his feels natural, like they were made to hold each other. 

and with that realization, my fear dissipates, maybe being married to Salvatore Valentino won't be so bad.


I'll start posting 2 chapters every Sunday ill post another chapter later or tomorrow too.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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