Chapter 2

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Salvatore Valentino

*6 months later* (Arianna's birthday)

I am king. And A king does nothing less than rule his kingdom. But a king also needs an heir, someone to continue their legacy when they have passed, and I have had trouble finding me the right woman to bear my seed for they are all too afraid of me and what good is a wife who cannot even look me in the eye. That is why when Hector Guerra approached me with an offer a few months ago, I was intrigued. And today I meet my future wife in person.

6 months ago:

I was sitting at my desk playing around with my whisky, today had been a long day and it was almost time for me to leave. As I downed the rest of my drink, someone knocks on my door. "Enter." The door clicks open, and I see one of my guards. "Sir there's a man here to see you, says he has a preposition you won't be able to refuse." He speaks. "Does this man have a name?" I ask, " uh yes sir he says his name is Hector. Hector Guerra." Ah the Guerra family, they are of the lesser family of our outfit. "Let him in."

"Oh Mr. Valentino it is an honor, I have come to you with a proposition, one that I believe you will not be able to deny." He said eagerly.

"And what might that be?" At this point I'm very curious, after all I am a king, I could have anything I want.

"It has come to my attention that you are in need of a wife." Oh yeah, that. I forgot about that.

"I have a daughter, her name is Arianna she's 18, very beautiful. A very suitable wife for you," hm.

"And what makes you think I'll want her, why are you trying to sell me your daughter, Guerra? What are you trying to gain here." I begin to get angry; it is no secret that I have had trouble finding a wife lately, they all seem to fear me. But this man is making it seem as if I'm incompetent.

"Oh Mr. Valentino no, I am not trying to get anything out of this agreement, it is just that my daughter has reached the age of marriage, and I look to give her away, and it just so happened you were looking for a wife and I thought it would be convenient for the both of us, "

At this, I calm down, that does sound reasonable, " But I have no clue what this daughter of your looks like, are you trying to set me up with a troll?"

"Oh of course not, I have a picture of her with me."
With that, he pulls out a folded paper in his pocket, and shows me a picture of the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, I'm actually speechless and very intrigued, that has never happened before. I clear my throat.

"Okay, she is quite beautiful, but I will not marry her, after all a pretty face can hide an ugly character."

"Oh sir, I can assure you my daughter is nothing but gentle and kind, she is the purest of pure and will make a fine mother to your children." He hurriedly explains.

I begin to think, I really don't see why I shouldn't the girl is beautiful, and I am in desperate need of a wife, so who's stopping me?

"Guerra, exactly just how old is this daughter of yours?"

"17 sir, but she will be turning 18 this coming spring. Perfectly legal."

Quite young, but as long as she's legal, I don't see why not.

"Would she consent to this marriage, I will not force a woman to be with me, I'm many things but an animal is not one of them."

"Oh yes, I've talked to her about this already, she's very excited to be betrothed."

"Okay then, I'll marry the girl. I'll have Alfredo draw up a contract for you to sign, if you go against the agreements stated on there, I'll have your head and add it in my trophy case. I am not a man to be played and pawned, if there is a motive behind your wanting me married to your daughter I will find out, and you will wish you had never crossed me."

At this point he's sweating the ocean. Good, he's afraid. I do not like to be played but I love playing.

*Present day*

Today I meet my future wife, it is her birthday. I've made sure to pay for the finest things no wife of mine will have a birthday of it is not fit for a queen.

I leave work and go to my condo; it is nothing near my house in the country, but I prefer it because it is near the city and therefore work.

I change into a suit and prepare her gift, to the naked eye it looks like a normal necklace, but when she sees it, she will see that it is a mark of my ownership. Once she puts it on, she belongs to me, and on our wedding day I shall be hers.

I don't intend to be true to my vows, I'll respect her, and she will live a life befitting my wife. But I will never love her I don't do love. Love makes you weak. She will know so too, I don't intend to make her believe that such a thing is possible with me.

I make my way to the Guerra house, it's not very big but it seems comfortable, I'm a little late, and so when I'm ushered into the house by the doorman, everyone freezes.

I can see the fear in their eyes, I know they are afraid, they know what I'm capable of. Good. I feed off fear the less people mess with me the better.

I scan the room looking for my bride, and my eyes set upon the most beautiful girl in the whole room. The pictures did her no justice, there's no way a person can be that beautiful. Just no way.

Her eyes widen, she seems to recognize me, I'm mesmerized by her eyes, one is blue and the other seems a sort of hazel. They are beautiful, she is beautiful.

And that's when the realization hits.

I'm fucked.

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