1 - Y/n Stark everyone!

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˚.🎧⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ - NATASHA'S POV

As it is Friday evening, all of the Avengers are having 'bonding time' as Fury likes to call it. Most of them don't have any work or missions (except important ones) and just have to pass time with each other.

Tonight we chose to do movie night! Wanda, Tony, Clint, Steve, Bucky, Peter, Kate, Bruce, Thor and I were in the living room.

I could hear Steve, Bucky, and Sam arguing about what movie to watch while me, Wanda and Kate shared some side eyes when they began screaming.

After about 10 minutes I decide to step in so we can finally start and I can go to my room after.

"Between what movies do we have to choose?" I ask, stopping their discussion.

"The Conjuring and Murder Mystery," Bucky says, slightly irritated.

"The conjuring is a horror, there is a kid here!" Steve says making a fair point.
"Murder Mystery is a kids movie! Were practically all adults, the kid shouldn't have come then!" Bucky shouts back.

I take a look at Peter who just sat quietly, ear-dropping the conversation.

"Look I love the conjuring but Peter is here, we don't want to traumatize him." I decide and turn around to see if everyone finds it okay.

I see everyone nodding, but Tony who was concentrated on the TV.

"Stark what do you think?" I ask gaining his attention for a few seconds until he shushed me and made the volume louder from the TV.

Now all of our attentions go to the Jimmy Fallon Tonight Show which announces tonight's guest.

"Y/n everyone!" Jimmy announces and there is a ton of applause

I see Y/n entering in a beautiful cream-white suit that was perfectly made for her.

Of course, I knew who she was, I mean who doesn't? She is one of the most famous people in the whole world right now. As an actress, she has so many important roles and won a couple of nominations and awards. But also her songs are a lot on the radio.

And she's hot.

"So Y/n tell me how have you been?" He asks as Y/n giggles as there is still a lot of applause

"I have been alright thank you! Just a couple of busy weeks ending the filming of the new Hunger Games movie. And well just the basic stuff as interviews and meetings and those things. But, after tonight I finally have some weeks off! So I look forward to that!" Y/n responds chuckling when she says her last sentence.

"That's amazing to hear! I love the Hunger Games, I'm so excited for when it will come out!" Jimmy says as he did seem to be a fan.

"I also want to congratulate you on the Barbie movie that came out this summer! My wife loved the movie, as did I. If it is okay with you, we asked people, fans to comment on Instagram with some questions that we could ask you! Do you mind answering a few?" He asks, taking a little board in his hands with probably the questions.

"No of course not, I would love to!" Y/n says exited while turning a bit more to Jimmy.

"Okay, so first question... what are you doing in the holidays this year?" He asks looking up at her again.

"Nothing really, probably binge-watch some Christmas movies and open up packages brands have sent me. But yeah nothing particular" she says smiling with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"No parties, no events, not meeting up with friends? Or somebody special?" He asks, taken a bit back from the information.

I would have guessed somebody as famous as her should find so many things to attend instead of staying by herself.

"No, I want to take some time for myself. So no parties or events no." She confirms what Jimmy had said.

"Okay, next question. Are you seeing/dating someone?" He says lifting his eyebrows up and down making the crowd and her chuckle.

"Sorry to disappoint, but no nobody special"

"Okay, the last question is the question that is the most asked yet has never been answered by you." He says wait a bit before continuing.

"Oh no, I'm scared," Y/n says. I hear Peter giggling beside me, I guess he must be a fan of hers.

"What is your last name?" Jimmy says while looking at her with hopeful eyes. "You have never told someone your last name, there were a lot of rumors but you never have said or confirmed anything about it." He continues, now waiting for her response.

"Oh gosh, eumh, let me think if this is a good idea." She says and stays silent for a good 30 seconds leaving everyone waiting. She did look to be truly thinking about it and not just for show.

"I think I am gonna get killed by my manager and my dad, if I tell you all. But I don't care, my manager loves me and is on maternity leave, and I don't speak to my dad sooooo...
Drumroll please" She says to the drummer next from the stage.

*drum drum drum*

"Helle everyone, again, I'm Y/n Stark," She says and everyone is shocked.

We all look at Tony shocked, demanding more information. As he just stares at the TV a sad expression in his eyes.

Wtf he has a daughter?! And never told us? That fucking mother fu-

"Really?! Iron Man is your father?" Jimmy practically shouts.

"Yes, well I haven't talked to him since I was like 10, sooo yeah," She says keeping a smile on her face.

"How? We have never heard about this!" He says waiting for more explanation.

"Well eumh, so I will just tell what I remember and what some people have told me. So basically I was dropped off as a baby at his front gate. My biological mother abandoned me and dropped me off at Stark. Guess he did a DNA test and turned out I was his daughter. He raised me with Pepper, but when I was around 10, I don't know exactly, I got sent off to boarding school for whatever reason. He never contacted me again when I spent all my school years there. And just lived alone ever since. It's kinda a short resume and I don't know what reasons he had, he is a hero and an Avenger right now so yeah. Oh, and  I never wanted to be referred to as a stark since I don't see him as family anymore." She explains

Before we can hear what Jimmy will say, Tony turns the TV off. {I have no idea what he would say after that, tony is a writer-saver 😋}

"Tony, what the fuck? How did we not know about this!" Bucky says still confused about the news.

*1 hour later*

"So you're gonna send her a message?" Wanda concludes out of the conversation.

"But what if she doesn't want to hear from me again? You guys have heard her on TV. She has everything she wants, why would she want me to contact her?" Tony says. I've never seen him so unsure and open.

"You don't but at least you would have tried."

So we all agree to it that he should send a message to her. Probably has to hack her phone to even get her number but whatever, it's stark.

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