9 - I freaked out

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₊˚.🎧⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ - TONY'S POV

10 am

Gosh, why did they have to make it so early?

I only just woke up with Pepper in my arms. She wanted to cuddle as we always do, yet we had planned with the Avengers to give each other presents at 10 am.

So here we are, in the living room, waiting for Natasha and Peter. 

Peter texted me he would be a bit later, he had burned the pancakes for May so he had to redo them. 

And Natasha, ... we don't know why she is late. Well she had been laid tonight but we don't know more, she left her phone here. 

"I didn't know Natasha would be one to get laid the night before Christmas," Wanda says to break the silence.

"Right?! I was thinking the same!" Sam says leaning a bit forward.

"And let's not forget the fact she didn't bring her phone, so we can't track her," I say joining the conversation. 

"Maybe she's late because she is still occupied?" Clint says as we all burst out laughing. 

"I thought you had to be on my side, Clint, as my best friend, Clint," Natasha says standing in the doorway looking at us with a cold gaze. Quickly shutting us up.

"Sorry Nat, how was it? Had fun?" Clint says wiggling his eyebrows.

She stares daggers at Clint while slowly walking over to the couch, not leaving his eyes. 

I got the chills from it, as I think Clint did too. Natasha can be very scary if she wants to.

"So are we waiting on anyone?" She says sitting next to Wanda.

"Just Peter," I say. 

So we wait until he arrives

"Hi sorry I'm late Mr. Stark. Hello everyone," Peter says smiling as he walks in. 

I already told him a million times to stop calling me that. I must have given up along the way as he never stopped. 

"No problem at all. Did May enjoy her not-burned pancakes?" I ask him while hoping he sits next to me. 

But I don't want to ask him because that is kinda weird coming from me.

"She loved them! And thank you Wanda for the recipe!." He says while he walks over to her to hug her, which she gladly accepts. 

To my disappointment, he went to sit next to Natasha, who was next to Wanda. 

But she whispers something into his ear, to which he nods and stands u to sit somewhere else. 


Luckily for me, he sits next to me. 

We start giving each other presents. 

I remember Natasha asking me what I wanted so I think she must be the one giving me my present. 

But she seems kinda nervous. It is not like I give her any ideas so I wonder what it might be. 

༘⋆ ❅  presents already given ・:*:。 ❆
Bucky to Sam --> 
Spy Camera Drone (a bit like Redwing but with more fun things, such as paint bullets, speaker, confetti, ....)
Sam to Kate --> bow and arrow bracelet, and a subscription to a mystery box that arrives each month for one year long.
Kate to Clint --> Purple arrows, a purple and black bow, and a Christmas sweater with matching socks.
Clint to Bruce --> A little Hulk bobblehead/ Funko POP! + Some stress balls and a new lab coat.
Bruce to Peter --> Tickets to Comic-con and a new set of Lego Star Wars 
Peter to Wanda --> A cooking book, 5 tiny little plants, and two movie tickets. 
Wanda to Natasha --> A little self-care kit with a box of homemade cookies. 

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