blazers and chocolates x namgi

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for chansrroom who has to put up with listening to me talk about all my silly little crushes and hear me rant about them multiple times a day. please enjoy this.

negative comments will be deleted.

yoongi let out a sigh and clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he waited in a doctor's office with his mom. the facility had a TV playing the local news station for people to watch as they inhaled the smell of cleaner and alcohol wipes.

"i don't even know why you still make these appointments" he mumbled, crossing his arms as he glared at the TV, "i just want to make sure nothing is getting.. worse" his mother reassured and went on her phone.

"they say the same thing every single time without fail" yoongi whined, "your son has a vitamin D deficiency and blah blah blah" he mocked, "yet, you don't seem to consume more milk to fix it"

"it's nasty" he mumbled, "i think it's dumb that we come here" he grit and stood up to leave the office to get his mind off the needle that would be stuck in his arm, but instead cringed feeling his legs cramp up.

he held onto his mother as he sat back down, hiding his hurt expression in her shoulder as he massaged his legs to best of his ability.

"are you okay?" his mother asked, "y-yeah" he breathed out, trying to think of anything but the pain in his legs.

yoongi frowned at the pink bandage on his arm where he had gotten his blood drawn from. he leaned against his mother as they walked out of the office.

"where do you want to go?" his mom asked, twirling her son's soft hair. yoongi always got a treat after his appointments. it may sound a bit silly, but he had appoints so often, so he definitely deserved that and more.

"a chocolate croissant sounds nice" he mumbled, opening the passenger door and getting in, closing his eyes. he didn't like looking out the window and seeing all the different colored cars move back and forth because they made him feel dizzy and more on edge than he already was.

"chocolate croissant it is" she smiled.

"you're here" namjoon grinned seeing his best friend show up at school, "is that such a shock to you?" he jokingly asked as he sat down his black backpack and got out some of his nice stationery and his science notebook.

"did it come off that way?" he asked, yoongi hummed and shrugged, "it kind of does" he said, namjoon smiled, "if the shoe fits"

yoongi pouted and crossed his arms which wrinkled his blazer which was part of his uniform, "how was your appointment?"

in yoongi's eyes, kim namjoon was one of the most endearing people in his life and probably one of the nicest in the entire school. he truly believed there wasn't a single bad bone in his entire body. the boy was filled with tranquility as shown by his soft voice and quiet personality, but also managed to be highly hilarious and encouraging to yoongi.

their friendship was one of the best. in fact, when you search up the definition of 'perfect friendship', their picture will come up!

however, it wasn't always like this. would you believe me if i told you that yoongi thought namjoon hated her and had to suffer an awkward silence during class because of his presence?

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