Chapter 25: Destructive Force

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Author's Note: This chapter and the next are going to include gore that will be described rather vividly. Ryoto is one of the reasons I labeled this story as mature. Chapter 28 will be where you can pick up again if you are uncomfortable with brutal deaths. These two are gonna be longer than any of the others.

Also, my friend helped me find music that I feel is fitting for Ryoto. "Through the Darkness" by Panagiotis Karayannis.


Powerful wings beat against the cold night air, "Can't believe she played me like a fiddle. Idiot. She's gonna make me look soft with that request." The man beneath the silver raven skull mask muttered, "Don't hurt anybody other than those baroque workers." he mocked shaking his head, "It'd be easier to just wipe 'em all out. Faster too." He laments as he continues his flight through the night sky.

Eyes forward he continued to fly, as fast as he could towards Alubarna, "Straight east. Damn it Ryoko, why do you have to be a soft spot for me." He growls to himself as he glances at the sand below, he also sees only a couple miles away a large river that runs through the island. 

Black feather-coated wings beat harder as he grits his teeth, "so annoying. She's lucky she's my sister." he hisses continuing to fly, cutting through any winds that threatened to push him off course. The rattle of metal clanking together made him grin widely, "It's been a while since I've gotten the chance to cause some problems. Best be sure to make it count.

Flying low over the stretch of water, Ryoto lowered one boot-clad foot to skim the surface, causing a wake to spray up behind him. "Glad she's at least starting to try with the fruit powers. Being scared. Such a dumb excuse." He mutters looking at the reflection below he scowls beneath the mask.

Dark eyes shone behind the metal raven skull mask, and black feathers shrowded his neck and hair. The feathered cloak he wore stayed in place over his wings, while his human body was covered in black and grey clothing which was pinned to his form by metal chains. Just as soon as his vision of himself looked back at him, it disappeared into the sands.

"Must be boring to live in a place as dry as this. Ko could probably just start up a rainstorm to calm things down. What a pain." He hissed as he flew over dune after dune, "Now how am I gonna make sure everyone knows that I am not part of Strawhat's crew? I could just say it after the fight... Or I could just avoid people." he sighed heavily as off in the distance he began to see the lights of the capital.

"Better get a lay of the battlefield when I get there." He says as he soared up to the base of the main stairs. The tap of his boots on the sandstone stairs filled the air with each step. He continues carefully up the steps, eyeing the guards at the top. Hopefully, there wouldn't be any altercation.

"Stop right there, state your business within the city at this time of night." One of the men says holding out his weapon towards Ryoto, clearly ready to strike.

Ryoto was silent for a moment, "I'm here simply to rest, I have been traveling through the desert for days and am exhausted, hungry, thirsty, and tired." He says somewhat truthfully his aggressive tone calming with his effort to avoid conflict.

The man looked at him, narrowing his eyes, "Quite the outfit you are wearing." he said crossing his spear to stop him from continuing.

"Is my choice of dress your biggest concern? I simply dressed heavily for night travel. The mask is to keep sand out of my eyes. The weapons are for dealing with unwanted creatures testing their luck." He says lowly, scowling beneath the metal. "So, can I go in and find a safe place to rest or not."

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