Starting point.

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Lorenzo was voted class president for three consecutive years. Although he despised most pupils in this school, he had to keep this facade he was holding up throughout school days. Lorenzo found most people boring. How does he come to this conclusion? He first judged by their appearance. If they pass this stage, he'll go on to  stage.2:tease them  then seek out 'interesting' reactions.

Because he was class president, he had to welcome any new students and be their guide for a week, just until they get the hang of things. He sometimes wonders if the head teacher gets the new students straight from the streets, because most have dropped out after a couple months.

It was another Monday morning, Lorenzo was called by the speakers, which were scattered around the school. 'Lorenzo 1A, please come to the headteachers office. I repeat, Lorenzo 1A please come to the headteachers office.' The speaker roared.A pinkish colour consumed Lorenzo's face, it quickly dispersed after he began to make his way to the principals office. Lorenzo was met with these blue glowing orbs, he inspected him down. His skin prickled, what fierce looking eyes. The shorter male which appeared to be a new student, was wearing a tight black compression shirt which defined his muscles and Lorenzo quickly took note of this, his slim waist. Surely that's not healthy? Lor thought to himself. He paired the compression shirt with black joggers and headphones which lie on his neck. His long bright blonde hair looked flawless, he had multiple piercings in his right ear, whereas his left had nearly none.. What an interesting guy Lor thought, slightly raising a brow.

"I'd like you to welcome saint. He's moving into your dorm room since Joe left. I'm sure you'll greet him with the same welcoming smile you greet all the other students with!" The old man grinned as if he were a cheshire cat. Saint looked down, it seems like he isn't interested in being friends.

"So we have form first, we better get going before we're late." He laughed awkwardly, the silence was so loud he thought he might be hard of hearing. Lorenzo led the way, the smaller guy, 'saint' wasn't interested in him? Quite rare. Normally this smile that was always pierced to his face would grab the attention of others, almost attracting them as if he were a magnet. Saint's skin prickled he could feel the stares of others. Various students walked past, sharing whispers with their friends, Saint managed to catch a few 'Who's that', 'He looks troublesome, don't ya think?' . . .

The finally reached a door, besides that door was a sign, which was written in bold. (1A) Lorenzo opened the door, he forcefully plastered that smile across his face again. All students chatters came to a silence, the all looked towards him, his home room teacher raised a brow.

"Where's the new student?" She said as she shifted her gaze from Lor to her computer. "He's right beh-" Lor turned around confused, he was gone. What a sneaky bugger. He thought to himself, when did he manage to slip away? And how in the world was he gonna find him. He wanted to facepalm his forehead so bad. "I'll be right back." He scratched the back of his neck with a smile before walking out and closing the door. The chatters inside 1A began again.

If I was a skinny slender blonde where would I go. Lorenzo began looking for the student. He looked in several other forms, (after a while of searching) he finally reached the last form, 2C, he knocked onto the door and opened it once he heard a 'enter'. "Have you guys seen the new student?" Lor questioned.

A loud chatter arises, 'There's a new student' 'I hope it's a guy, there's too many women in this form" "So true brev" Is all Lorenzo caught, he sighed, this clearly meant they knew nothing of where he is. He walked back out, "Thanks." He closed the door behind him.

Saint stumbled across the rooftop, he stretched his arms out high, yawning. Perfect. No people, no noise, quite a nice view too. Saint walked towards the blue fence,which barricaded the edge of the roof. He sat down, placing his fully black bag in between his legs. Saint rested both arms upon his knees, placing his head in between. He fell asleep a few minutes later.

By now, it was half way into first lesson, Lor had searched, EVERYWHERE. But the rooftop, it's either that or the guys ran away. He began to walk up, he finally spotted the blonde, was he crying? dead? asleep?... Yeah, the man was sleeping. Lor chuckled under his breath. He crouched down to reach the others height, he flicked saints forehead.
"Thought you could slip away so easily huh?" Lor snickered, quite proud of winning this game of 'hide and seek.

Saint groaned, "Fuck off." He mumbled. He then gave a weak attempt in swatting the other away. Lorenzo grabbed his wrist, looking forward to what he was gonna do next. Saint hand began to produce black flames.

Lorenzo's eyes widened, but quickly used his ice to cut out the flames. "You tired?" He asked. Saint raised his head so he could look at this moron. "Well not you dumb shit." He remarked.

Word count: 900 words.

Authors note:
I love making these duos 'angry bottom x teasing/obsessed top'

Hope you enjoyed!

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