14. 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫

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'...But Shub at morning you said you won't take part in this series' Rohit said in phone 

'I've changed my mind now bhai. I'm coming next week'

'Ok but Ishan ka kya hoga ?'

'Duty first bhaiyaa' Shubman said in sarcastic way but Rohit couldn't catch the tone.

'Good spirit but think twice about him'

'I have made my mind bhai... I'm coming next week'

After some related conversation Shubman cut the call. Then sat on a couch and started to play mobile games to calm his mind. Ishan's deed hurted him. For whom he's caring whole day and night is making him take oath on his unborn child! Playing with his emotion!




Evening 🌆

Ishan was thinking about their emotional clash. He didn't know when he fallen asleep. When he opened his eyes he saw its aready 7 pm in the big wall clock in their bedroom. He stood up and walked towards living room where Shubi was still busy with games.

'Tea or coffee ?' Ishan asked to Shubman. But he replied nothing. 

'Shubi...' Ishan called him again in more softer tone.

'Nothing' Shubman's short reply.

Ishan stood for a few seconds then walked towards the couch and sat beside him.

'Shubi don't be angry yaar...' Ishan couldn't complete his plea. Shubman quickly stood up and went outside.

Ishan pouted and lied down on the couch holding a cushion on his face.




Sometimes later Shubman came inside to to give Ishu's medicine and make their dinner.

'Get up' 

Shubman commanded.

Ishan removed the cushion and saw Shubman standing with his medicine and a glass of water. He watched Shubi's strict face with his racking eyes. Then took them from his hand and gulped the medicines. 

'Practice to take medicines in time. I'm not gonna stay here from next week' Shubman said a bit harshly and loudly.

 Ishan said nothing, just kept watching Shubi's huff.

Shubman went to kitchen to prepare their dinner. He started to chop the vegetables. But in his mind he was only thinking about Ishu. That Lilliput can't take care of himself was lecturing about national duty!!! Huh... what will happen when Shubman will away...

He was lost in his his world of thoughts... suddenly he put his finger under the knife instead of vegetable. Then... that happened what could be...

'Ahhh' he groaned in pain.

Ishan ran towards the kitchen.

'NALAYAK!! Gussa utarne chala!!!' Ishan scolded him and snatched the knife from him. Then quickly washed his finger in warm water.

'Come in the room, I'm preparing the first aids' Ishan pulled Shubman's hand.

But Shubman removed his hand.

'Leave me. Try to take care of yourself, not mine' 

'Is not it too much Shubi ? What the sin I did so you're treating me like this ?'

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