18. 𝐁𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞🕯️

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[ Last part😊 I've already started MahiRaina ff. Check it out... and if you want another ff (on ICT family of course) then suggest me ]

3 months passed

Time - A pleasant afternoon
Place - A certain shopping mall in Mumbai

Sara and Sonam walking in the stalls, picking goods, choosing products and hardly talking with each other.

After that incident with Shubman, Sara doesn't talk much with her. But she didn't end up their friendship.

'Let's go to the cosmetics counter Sara'

'Yeah let's go'

When they were about to move from there, a certain scenario made them stop for a while.

At a distance from them... Shubman walking towards them with a cart 🛒 almost filled with groceries... and Ishan... with a little baby in his arms... walking beside Shubman.

Ishan's body is fragile, bags under eyes, many other symptoms... Sara and Sonam easily understood that it's his baby....... ops !! THEIR baby.

'See the shortie whore..... not only sucked Shubi, also gave birth to another bitch like him!!'

'Shut up Sonam!' Sara scolded her.

Till then, Shubman and Ishan already came closer to them.

The passway between grocey-cases were so tiny... as there were Sara and Sonam already standing... Shubman and Ishan stopped coming from opposite side. Because they couldn't pass until Sonam and Sara are not moving.

Shubman noticed them and stopped. Ishan was focusing on the baby and talking imaginary convos. When he felt Shubi stopped he stared at him... and saw he was staring in front.

Ishan also looked forward and saw the girls... Sonam was looking at them with venom eyes, but Sara... he couldn't understand how she was seeing them.

But he became so afraid, he didn't know why... but after giving birth the 'Post-partam' problems occurred in him. He became so protective on his son, always thought their rivals could do something bad to their baby.

He tightly holded Subaan. Sara clearly saw the fear in his eyes. An awkward silence covered the area.

After all Sara smiled genuinely and broke the silence;

'Hi Shub, hey Ishan! How are you ? And this little pie... when did he come ?'

Ishan still couldn't believe them, he holded Subaan more tightly, tried to cover him from their eyes.

'We are fine. You ?' Shubman said in cold voice, without smile.

'Good. Hey Ishan... don't be afraid... I won't harm your baby'

'Hunn... n...noo... I don't mean that... sorry Sara' Ishan stammered, then tried to stand casually.

Sara smiled sadly. Then said;

'You have enough reason to fear me Ishan I know. I won't force you but believe me I have no intention to harm you and your family. I'm sorry Ishan, I wanted to be wall in between you... but didn't. Ok don't believe me, but please don't squeeze the soft-puny too much... he will be hurt'

Ishan embarassed, also felt guilt for behaving like this. But Sara's voice don't know why made him try to believe her.

'I'm sorry Sara, I didn't mean that'  he smiled innocently.

'Hey Sara... we are not afraid of you two'  Shubman said in previous tone.

'Thanks Shubman. I know its difficult but I'm apologising you for my past behaviours. Forgive me if possible. You too Ishan...'

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