The Teen Gang A Christmas Carol

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Me Narrating: A long time ago in Teensville City, it was Christmas Eve night and every house is decorating all nice and pretty, every human and furry loved Christmas a lot but unfortunately there is one angry green furry who worked a lot and did not love Christmas at all, he and his employees worked at the Teensville City Bank with money galore but no fire for goodness sake. Their angry green furry boss named Mr. Dragon Furgane loved money more than Christmas and made that statement very plain, he never donated anything to the poor and he never bought his employees or family any gifts, in fact he was so greedy that never payed Uber or Lyft. People always ask his employees why he's always so grumpy and nobody really knows why, maybe because his hat is on too tight or maybe because his suit and tie doesn't feel quite right, but please don't ask why because nobody knows the reason but all you need to know about Mr. Dragon is that he HATES the Christmas season. He really hates Christmas and he hates it a lot but unfortunately today won't be as quiet as he thought, because today of all days he's got nothing to fear but he does sense some interruptions are near, Mr. Dragon and his employees are hard at work counting all the money they save but unfortunately the fireplace isn't very aflame and even though they've asked their boss if they can fill it up with coal, their boss Mr. Dragon said that all the coal in the town is rusty and old and he thinks it's a joke to lend them some money but he's not laughing because he didn't find it very funny.

Mr. Dragon: (in his official office and writing down on some business papers with a quill and counting gold coins) Polie Cattails: (in the employee office area and writing down on some business papers with a quill and rubbing his arms shivering then gets up from his chair and walks into Mr. Dragon's business office and nervously tugs his old purple scarf and clears his throat) Uhm... Mr. Dragon? Sir? Can I please ask you something? Mr. Dragon: (doesn't look up at him and rolls his eyes annoyed and keeps writing) Is it the same question that you asked me yesterday and the day before and every year since I hired you? Polie Cattails: (gulps heavily and nervously nods his head) Y-Yes S-Sir, me and the other employees were wondering if we could get some coal to put in the fire place this year? It's getting awfully colder by the minute and you don't want your employees to freeze to death working and digging ourselves to early graves. Mr. Dragon: (finally looks up at him with a annoyed grumpy face and reconsiders his statement then finally sighs in annoyance and gives in to his request) Fine, you can buy some coal for the fire... Polie Cattails: (smiles sweetly and claps his cat-paws together) Oh thank you so much Boss! Other Employees: (writing down on business papers with quills but then start cheering happily behind Polie Cattails in the employee office area) Mr. Dragon: (grits his teeth angrily and looks mad at all of them) However! Since you all insist on wasting my valuable money on some stupid coal for a stupid fire, I will highly reinforce to you all that we will keep continuing to work even throughout the Holidays and I'll be deducting those coal rocks from your paychecks and further more!... Cousin Scrat Crazy Cattails: (knocks on the door then bursts through the front door of the Bank holding a Christmas wreath and smiling happily) Merry Christmas everyone! Polie Cattails: (peeks outside his Boss's office and smiles cheerfully) Oh, good morning Mr. Scrat Cattails and a Merry Christmas to you as well! Scrat: (tips his hat to Polie Cattails and the other employees and walks into his older cousins office with a soft smile on his face) Merry Christmas to you too Polie and to everyone else of course! Cousin! My God it feels like it's been years since I last saw you, how have you been doing lately? Merry Christmas! (tries to walk around his work desk and tries to hug him tightly) Mr. Dragon: (immediately pushes him back roughly and grumbles in anger) Merry Christmas? Bah Humbug! I hate Christmas Eve and how am I doing? Oh I'll tell you exactly how I'm doing, just peachy! My annoying employees are cold and want to buy coals for the fireplace and now you showed up just to bother me, now tell me what you want before I breath fire on you and you'll end up getting used as coal for the fireplace instead! (angrily bangs his cat-paws down on the wooden desk hard enough to make the whole Bank building shake) Polie Cattails and Other Employees: (quickly look down nervously and whisper, whistle and chatter amongst themselves then Polie Cattails immediately walks back over to his sitting spot and re-continues writing) Cousin Scrat Crazy Cattails: (looks down feeling a little nervous then clears his throat and grabs out a red envelope from inside his jacket pocket and puts it down on his Cousin's work desk) Anyway, I just came by to once again invite you to my annual Christmas dinner party, all of our family and friends will be there, we'll have games to play and stories to tell and just enjoy being together and of course my beautiful, amazing and lovely wife Amy Rose Hedgehog will be making her delicious Christmas chocolate chip cookies again this year, so what do you say? Other Employees: (keep writing but then chatter towards each other) I think a Christmas party sounds great! Oooh, can I come? I want to taste those cookies! Should I bring Cousin Scrat a present even though we're not Cousins? I love parties! Oooh, a Christmas party sounds like fun! Mr. Dragon: (overhears them chatting excitedly and looks out his office towards them with a mad glare) Speaking of having no coals for the fire, how would you all like to be fired and unemployed right now?! Other Employees: (cheer excitedly and now dressed up in Summer outfits and start singing) Yes! Yay! Whoo Hoo! 🎵This is my island in the sun!...🎵 Mr. Dragon: (grits his teeth angrily and looks past Scrat again towards his employees with a mad look at them) Shut up! Silence! All of you get to back to work, now! Other Employees: (now back in their usual work outfits, sitting down in their seats and re-continues writing quickly) Mr. Dragon: (looks at the red envelope invitation and scoffs at him with a angry scowl) As temping as that sounds Cousin, unfortunately I won't be attending your annual Christmas party again this year because I'll be very busy all day today, tomorrow, the next day and all throughout the rest of the next two years because as usual we all have lots of work to do and lots of money to make. Cousin Scrat Crazy Cattails: (walks over to him and gently wraps his right arm around his shoulders and nudges him with sly happy smile) Oh come on Cousin, I really, really, really think you should come to the party this year because you've missed out on every party every year and also... (nervously but softly chuckles) No-No offense but... You are a little bit of grouch and you've gotta loosen up and live a little, I mean we are Cousins after all and I think we should spend more time together, don't you think? (gives him the cute Anime-like eyes) Please? Mr. Dragon: (still feels angry and roughly pushes his right arm away and gives him his invitation back) Yes and since we are... (shivers in disgust knowing they are related) Family... You should know these seven things about me... (puts down his quill, points to his chest four times and slowly stands up and walks around his desk while pointing and pushing Scrat backwards) One: That I don't like this holiday, Two: I HATE Christmas, Three: I don't talk to our family anymore, Four: I don't consider us Cousins and Five: I don't believe that we are truly family, Six: I don't celebrate Christmas and Seven: I don't go to any kind of parties, so what do I say? Will I finally come to one of your annual Christmas parties this year? Will I finally celebrate Christmas with our family? My answer is... NO! (then stops halfway in the business working room and points to the front door while yelling angrily) NOW GET OUT OF MY OFFICE BEFORE I THROW YOU INTO THE WOODS TO BE EATEN BY THE WOLVES! Everyone: (jumps in surprise at his anger and quickly continue writing) Cousin Scrat Crazy Cattails: (taken a-back by his anger but walks back over to his desk, puts his party invitation back on Dragon's desk, walks back over to the front door and tips his hat again with a soft smile) Well... I hope you at least consider it and think it over with the hopes that you'll change your mind, please? (opens the front door and hangs up the Christmas wreath on the front door and smiles cheerfully to everyone) Merry Christmas and a early Happy New Year everyone! Polie Cattails: (smiles softly and waves goodbye) Merry Christmas, Scrat! Mr. Dragon: (huffs in anger, angrily flies back to his work desk, sits back down and recontinues writing on his business papers with a quill) Ugh. Let's just hope that there are no more... (hears the front door being knocked on again and sighs in annoyance again) Interruptions... (gets up from his work desk again, walks out of his office and opens the front door) Who could it be this time? (takes down the Christmas wreath and throws it at the nearest Christmas caroler) Christmas Caroler Bunny: (skipping past the Bank while singing Jingle Bells but then gets hit by a Christmas wreath and falls onto the snowy ground) 🎵Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells! Jingle all the way!...🎵 Ow! Mr. Dragon: (does a victory punch in the air and then sees two Human females standing at the door) Yes!... Huh?... What the Hell do you two want? Female Donator One: (tips her hat while holding up a medium sized bucket in her cat-paws and smiles softly) Good morning and Merry Christmas Mr. Dragon Furgane Cattails, I'm Lydia Paxton and this is my partner Lily Ray and we were wondering if you'd like to donate some money to Poor Kitchen Foundation and Helping Paws Foundation? We're trying to make sure that any orphan Furries and Humans have enough food for winter so that they won't starve, find good homes and won't freeze to death, won't please help us out? We'd really appreciate it. Mr. Dragon: (glares at them and thinks about it while putting a left cat-paw to his chin) Hmm, let me get this straight... You came to my Bank to interrupt my hard work and just now you're are asking ME for MY money to give to the poor people of this pathetic city? Lily Ray: (nods her head and holds up a medium size bucket in her Human hands and shakes it slightly) That's right Mr. Dragon and we figured since your the most richest furry in all the city, we figured you'd definitely have plenty of money to spare and we'd really appreciate this generous offer. Mr. Dragon: (taps his left cat-paw to his chin three more times thinking about it and then glares at them madly) NO! Do you two honestly believe that I'm going to be giving all my hard earned money away to bunch of snot nosed, poor, pathetic, helpless, annoying, selfless, ugly, dirty little brats? Well to that I say... Bah Humbug! Now get off my property before I have you both arrested for interrupting me! Lily Ray and Lydia Paxton: (jump in surprise and fright and immediately run off somewhere else) Mr. Dragon: (slams the door hard angrily and walks back into his office, sits back down again and continues writing on business papes)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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