Karma's a bitch

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        Everyone's mood has been significantly better since the successful mission a few weeks ago; well, Superboy is starting to talk to me in tiny amounts. I have also enjoyed Aqulad's company; we have been training since he uses water. It's more challenging cause a lot of our attacks end up cancelling each other. Megan and I have also been baking together in our free time; she can make one hell of a cookie. Today is Wally's first day of his sophomore year, and the rest of the team has planned a beach day. Megan was so excited that we went bathing suit shopping yesterday. She picked out a cute black two-piece for me, and we chose her a yellow one. We had a very relaxing day on the beach, there was lots of splashing around, and I managed to sneak up on Dick and send him flying into the water, which he enjoyed. We head back inside to change; we are getting a new team member today.

I finish showering, comb out my hair, and transform. I stand beside Robin when a particular man in all-black catches my attention. He has navy blue hair, almost black, and black arm cuffs up to his elbow. Well-built arm muscles and a lovely long sword are the blackest ones I have ever seen. You could tell from various scars that he had seen lots of conflict; he was older, and if I were to guess, I would say the late thirties.

"Who is that guy?" I nudge Dick as he looks over to who I'm referring to.

"I'm going to guess that's one of their undercover unofficial league members. The public never sees a few of them because they work so discreetly. I think his name was Karma, but I've never officially met him either," Dick shrugs as the Zeta tube goes off, and Kid Flash comes bursting through with a bunch of beach gear, shouting about how the Wall man was here now.

"Wall-man, huh? I love the uniform. What exactly are your powers?" a new voice echoes out as I turn my attention to a blonde girl dressed in green. She holds herself up with pride and confidence, a well-trained body and clearly a good shot.

"Uh, who are you?" Wally gets off the floor and joins us.

"Artemis, your new teammate."

"Kid Flash never heard of you," Wally shoots back rather hostilely, like, calm down, dude, you just met thirty seconds ago. She hasn't done anything yet.

"She is my new protege," Green Arrow adds to the conversation. Wally asks what happened to his old protege when the Zeta tube goes off again. Some drama I have yet to learn starts with how Speedy, who now goes by Red Arrow, is replaceable because of Artemis. Who is the niece of Green Arrow? Wally continues to bicker with Artemis. At the same time, Red Arrow explains that a scientist was kidnapped two weeks ago and made a bug-like device that could steal data from anywhere and now it's in the possession of the League of Shadows. Red Arrow leaves us with the information and very public bad blood as Batman takes over the briefing.

"Speaking of proteges, this is Karma. Every sidekick here has someone in the Justice League to act as a mentor to some degree. Karma will mentor Indigo to help her better grasp her powers and improve her overall abilities. Since he has similar abilities, he is a perfect fit to help hone your powers further."

"Don't be a pain in my ass," is the first thing that comes out of his mouth as I nod slowly at a loss for words. "And don't call me unless something is broken or someone dies. Actually, call someone else first if any of those happen," he walks to the Zeta tube without another word.

"He will warm up to you, don't worry," Aqualad tries to reassure me as I stand there speechless; where did this man find the audacity? I'm doomed; my mentor doesn't even want to look at me, and for some reason, he hates me more than Wally already hates Artemis. We all set out for the high school, where the scientist was left alone, and Megan set up a telepathic link between all of us. The result is Artemis and Wally bickering in my head while the rest of us listen to them.

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