I'm sorry, Nia

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        We quietly creep our way through the compound, occasionally pressing our backs against the wall and stopping for the guards or other family members. My heart is beating so loud that I can hear the constant pounding in my head, and Dick is getting nervous as well. If we get caught up in a firefight here, it will not end well whatsoever. There is a high chance that one of us is not making it back, and I refuse to let that be Dick. This is my tribulation to solve, and it was never his burden to bear. We carefully cross hallways being conscious of our breathing and where we place our feet. We arrive at my old bedroom if you can even call it that. The room where I got a few hours of sleep and hid under the covers that couldn't protect me from the monsters. I carefully slide my knife between the jam and the door and get it to open without a key. We both creep into the abandoned room and close the door behind us; I head over to the window and let in some light.
"So, this is where you grew up? It's kinda... lifeless," Dick looks around the barren walls and gray furniture. It is a room with a complete lack of warmth, basically a prison cell but only bars on the window.
"Yeah, I didn't really spend a lot of time here, to be honest..." I trail off, sliding my hand under a dresser door to find what I have been looking for. I pull out a key that I was given a long time ago. Honestly, I can't remember who gave this to me. I'm still determining what I'm supposed to do with it, but it has to be what Takara was talking about the other day. Dick stares at the key but doesn't ask me any questions, I place it safely in my pouch, and we head back outside of the room. I closed the door without a second thought; it was never the correct room to begin with. I lead Dick down the hall to my sister's room. We check to see if anyone is around and head inside. Nia was in the corner of the room playing with one of the dolls I saw on a mission once. My heart becomes overrun with joy as I race over to my adorable little sister and scoop her up into the tightest hug.
"Let go of me!" She protests with a childish squeal, kicking off of my chest, forcing me to let her go.
"Shhh, shhh, Nia, it's just me," I try to get her to lower her voice as I take a few steps toward her; she steps further back from me and draws her sword out in front of her as she clutches her doll with her other hand.
"I don't like this. Something is wrong," Dick brings up his guard as I try to figure out what is going on with my little sister.
"How do you know my name? Who the hell are you?" Nia raises her sword to my neck as I stay calm and raise my hands up to show that they are empty.
"Nia, I am your sister-" her hand shifts as she attempts to cut open my throat; I grab the blade with my hand, causing it to slice a deep gash into my palm.
"My mother said if my sister ever came back to kill her without reluctance. So you're Nightshade, the defector and traitor I've heard all about. Mother will be pleased if I bring you to her alive. The doctor will fix you right away, and you can finally live up to your destiny," a maniacal grin crosses my tiny sister's face as the horror of the situation sinks in. "Or maybe I should try skinning you and the little birdy. I know Mother would love to see your hacked-up corpses as well. Oh, how Mother would be delighted! The thought alone gets me giddy," a devious laugh leaves her lips and sends chills up my spine. Whoever this is, it's not Nia. Whatever the doctor did to her has taken her away forever.
"Nia, you have it backwards! Mother is the one who made you like this! We are sisters, and I only left so I could be free! I'm here to take you with me; you don't have to kill anymore; you don't have to listen to her vile words or do any more dirty business for the family. You are eleven years old. You should be in school and having sleepovers. Not murdering people as an occupation," I try in vain to get through to my little sister as her eyes darken.
"Oh, I know you left me. I'm glad you did. This family only has room for the strong, and you are pathetic. Valley script: wind dance," my sister lifts her sword once again and sends seven slices of wind at me. My legs froze in place, and Dick tackles me sending us both behind her bed. I stare at the massive slash marks on the wall in horror. Nia just tried to kill me for real.
"Nia, please-"
"Valley script: assassin's dance," more attacks land all around us as I remain in shock. Dick takes action and starts sending disks at her. I feel my cheek slice open as one of her attacks lands. She has gotten much stronger; you have grown in such a twisted way.
"Indigo- INDIGO! KOHARU," Dick shouts at me. "I need you to snap out of it. We need to leave now!" He yells in my face as I get myself back together.
"Indigo script: raging tide," I send three underhand slashes back at Nia, causing her to stumble over and fall on her side. I grab Dick's wrist, and we both dash out of the room. The commotion from earlier alerted everyone nearby as to what was going on, and now we have dozens of Wazawai family members around us. They attack without hesitation as we attempt to make our way through the assault.
"It's time for plan B. I knew something like this might happen," Dick runs beside me as he taps something on his wrist.
"Indigo script: typhoon!" I jump up in the air, doing a back twist and slashing my sword down the hall, creating a massive wave of water that sends most of our attackers far away. I land beside Dick as he stops for a minute and then turns down a different hall then we came in.
"We have to go-" Before I could conclude what I was saying, we ceased, coming face to face with none other than my mother, Erica Wazawai, the leader of this fucked up cult.
"There you are, my darling daughter. I was wondering when you would be back. Looks like you brought a little friend. Such a disgrace you got some poor soul wrapped up in family business," her gaze lands us on like we are nothing more than unsightly cockroaches that she spotted in her kitchen. The bafflement from Nia now turns to wrath as I clutch my sword harder.
"Indigo script: Flaming-"
"Oleander script: supreme command." With a simple wave of her hand fan, I feel my curse take hold as I stop in place, incapacitated.
"Good little Koharu, so obedient like mommy's little lost puppy. You have caused enough commotion with your incompetent little hero stunts. It's time for you actually to do something useful with your gifts. This little birdy has caused enough distraction, and he has kept you away from me long enough. Oleander script: supreme command, eliminate Robin." He fan waves once again, the command washing over me like heavy air.
"Robin, please run!" I struggle to keep my own hands at bay as I start to slash at Dick.
"I can't just leave you here like this!" He does a back handspring away from me after I land a cut on his arm.
"I can't control myself at all anymore; you need to kill me now!" I plead with him as I land another kick, sending him flying into the wall. He dodges my sword, but I land another kick on him, pushing him further down the hall. I feel tears start to seep down my cheeks as I hurt him more and more; he doesn't fight back at all, just evasive tactics.
"Indigo script: wind shards," I nail him in the shoulder, and his arm gets pinned against a wall, causing a yelp of pain to escape. I forcefully walk over to him as he tries to get the invisible blade out of his body desperately.
"Robin, please kill me now!" I plead with him as I raise my sword over my head. Why isn't he fighting back? I'm going to kill him, for god sake! My arms quiver as I try to control my own body.
"What are you doing, you dumb little bitch? Slash his neck and get this over with already!" I hear the exasperated voice of my mother as my arms shake violently. Someone suddenly tackles me from the left as an explosion goes off behind me, and I feel the script being broken as I gain control of my own body. I start sobbing violently as Wally grabs my sword from me and throws it to Aqualad. My hands are shaking so badly that you would think it was the middle of winter.
"I'm sorry for what's about to happen," Wally tells me as he tries to hold my hand in reassurance. Karma appears behind Aqualad and comes face to face with my mother, who is getting back up from the blast. While I was distracted by the appearance of my uncle, Wally slapped a pair of steel handcuffs that covered my entire hands and placed a metal band around my mouth. I stare at him in horror as the guiltiest look crosses his expression. He places a pair of headphones over my ears that was playing loud music and a blindfold over both my eyes, rendering me completely useless.

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