By Your Side

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Mention of blood in this chapter just to give warning!
Art done by Lizluvsthis on tumblr my collab partner! NO RE POSTING ART!

SMG3 smiles as he gets up from his desk, he stretches and flinches at the pain in his hands. He was clumsy, in his rush to finish the hat in time for the uniform to arrive he managed to constantly prick his fingers. Annoyed he walks to the bathroom fighting his sleep, he cleans up his hand and bandages them up. He then goes to clean his mess ignoring the pain in his hands. He turned to look at the hat he made and smiled "Heh Now that idiot won't look so weird!"

He sets the hat near his own uniform as he throws himself to bed, as he starts to drift to sleep his alarm rings. He shoots up looking at the time "Oh god...i pulled a SMG4," he sighs realizing he has gotten zero sleep. He gets up to take a shower then gets ready for work, exhausted he puts his bun together lazily. It was always under his hat anyways, not like something will happen to cause his bun to come loose.

Making himself black coffee in hopes it keeps him awake for the day he looks at the hat he has hiding behind the counter. He felt his heart flutter at the thought of SMG4 wearing something he made, rolling his eyes at the strange feeling,he finished his drink to open for the day.

SMG4 was excited as he opened the box and put on his new uniform, putting on his new skates he started to spin and do tricks in the main room. He smiles brightly as he skates up to a mirror and checks himself out, the uniform was comfy much to his surprise. He removes his hat to tie up his hair, the only downside to the uniform was lack of hat.

Looking at the time he decided it wouldn't hurt to visit Three and get some coffee before his shift. He heads to the cafe and uses his skates to slide up close to Three "Hello~ I know I'm early but I was hoping my awesome boss will let me drink some coffee before we open?"

SMG3 sighs as he walks to the machine and makes two cups, once done they both take a seat together. One thing Three is thankful about is that Four and him have the same taste in coffee, it made him wonder what else they have in common while tempted to ask the man questions on his taste he decided better of it. Remembering the hat he gets up and goes behind the counter "Hey Three, you know when we have coffee together the rule is to not walk away!"

SMG3 walks up to Four "Hey underling, i got you something."

Four looks up at the man confused, SMG3 wasn't the type of person to just hand you a gift. Cautious, he gets up "What's that?" he watches as he takes something from behind his back. Suddenly SMG3 slams a hat on Fours head, Three smirks at him "Your new hat enjoy~"

Confused, he reaches up and touches the hat "You bought this too?" SMG3 hums as he sips his coffee not saying anything, getting annoyed with how cocky Three was acting he was going to give the man a piece of his mind. Then SMG3 grins at him and waves his hand, where he notices stains on the glove. Three finishes his coffee and walks off to wash the cups, Four stares at Three's fingers getting a better look at the stains, it was blood. He takes the hat off and stares at it with wide eyes. Did SMG3 make the hat?

SMG4 blushes and smiles at the hat, "Oi! Finish your coffee, it's almost time to open, I don't hire lazy workers!"

Hearing this he chugs his coffee and places the hat back on his head, he turns giving a thumbs up to three. Once three walks to the back room Four whispers "Thank you," then goes to wash his own cup.

The work day started as SMG4 delivered orders and did tricks with his skates, his two assistants Eggdog and Beeg would help him with small dances and moves to keep customers entertained. SMG3 rolls his eyes watching the man "Feels like Memewarts all over again," he grabs a tray to hand to Four. His hand starts to shake as he feels the pain from his hand, he was so asleep he didn't notice how badly he hurt himself.

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