I - Damn Good Cop

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Language, violence, graphic injury depiction. Rated T.

Summary: Pete Malloy and Jim Reed respond to a 211 call (armed robbery) in the dead of night. Malloy thinks this will be an easy one. Reed makes it difficult.

Start note: I do not live in LA. All of these street names are made up or taken from the show. Do with them what you please — I doubt these are real addresses.


"One-Adam-12, a 211 in progress. 2125 Middlebrook Avenue. Handle code 3."

Jim quickly jots down the address, then takes up the microphone. "One-Adam-12, roger," he states.

"You're getting better with that," Pete remarks, taking a rather sharp left turn that makes the black-and-white tilt slightly. "One thing you gotta remember, kid? Press the button down."

A soft look of horror etches onto Jim's face for half of a second before he quickly retakes the radio, this time remembering to press down the button. "One-Adam-12, roger," he repeats, embarrassed. Pete chuckles at him, then flicks on the lights and sirens and presses down on the gas.

They arrive at a liquor store — a very common place for armed robberies — within a few minutes. Pete grabs his pistol and Jim arms himself with a shotgun before they enter the store.

"Police!" Pete shouts. "Put the guns down!"

Two men — both appearing to be in their late twenties, one with brown hair and one with black, both with brown eyes. These are the mental notes that Jim makes quickly. Standard "rookie robber" attire — black leather jackets, jeans, gloves, and no face coverings.

They don't put the guns down.

"Drop your weapons!" Malloy orders again. Reed aims carefully, just in case he needs to take a shot.

The two men scowl at each other and throw their pistols down onto the floor. Malloy relaxes his stance, about to pat them down, but one of them pulls another gun out of seemingly nowhere and —

Oh, fuck.

Those are the first words that go through Reed's brain when he feels a bullet rip through with his body, somewhere below his left clavicle. He grunts, the impact knocking him off balance, but he doesn't feel the pain yet.

And then he does. It's hot and sharp, but it's not to be worried over yet.

"Reed!" Malloy shouts. Within the few seconds that Jim's been focused on a flesh wound, Pete's gotten the remaining weapons away from the robbers and has them in cuffs.

"I'm alright," Jim answers. His voice doesn't shake, but his body is trembling a little now that he's starting to lose the adrenaline high. Then, he notices that same hot and sharp sensation in his leg too — and sure enough, he's bleeding there as well. "On second thought, Malloy, I may be a bit worse off than I originally thought."

"No shit," Pete snaps. It's rare — so rare — to hear Pete cursing, so he must really be stressed out. Jim exhales a little shakily, tries to take a step, and fails miserably. He closes his eyes tightly, prepared to make contact with the floor, but there's a pair of arms around him in nanoseconds, catching him long before he can hit the ground. Pete lowers him gently and says, "You sit there and don't even think about trying to go anywhere."

Jim can only watch as Pete takes the two crooks out to the car, and he hears Pete say into the radio, "One-Adam-12, requesting an ambulance at 2125 Middlebrook Avenue. Officer down."

"One-Adam-12, roger."

Something about that voice always creeps Jim out a little. It's so robotic, even though he knows the voice belongs to a human because he's almost certain he's met her before... what's her name? Sharon? No, that can't be right.

"Hey, Pete?" he breathes, realizing that his partner is crouching by his side again. "You wanna go 7 after this?"

He vaguely hears Pete chuckle. "I dunno, kid, I think you're gonna be out for a while."

Jim just hums. "Malloy?" he says, his voice hoarse and quiet.


"I'm not feeling so hot," Jim huffs out.

One again, Pete half-laughs. "I wouldn't expect you to be." He looks up as he hears sirens coming up the block, followed by the screeching of breaks. "In here!" he calls.

Three paramedics enter the store. "Careful," Pete warns. "He's lost a lot of blood."

"Malloy?" Jim says again.

"What is it?" Pete asks as the paramedics get him loaded up.

"Call Jean for me..." His voice trails away and his eyes flutter shut. The ambulance is driving away now, leaving Pete behind.


Pete doesn't want to be the one to have to tell Jean that Jim got shot, is currently at the hospital, and nobody knows if he's going to live or die. But he decides to be. After his shift is over, he drives to Jim and Jean's place and knocks on the door.

"Pete!" Jean exclaims, both excited and a little nervous. "Where's Jim?"

"He's, uh, not coming home tonight," Malloy admits. "He got shot on the job today. Last I heard, he was in surgery."

"Again?" Jean asks. "Will he be alright?"

"Well, he lost a lot of blood, but he looked alright when they carted him off," Malloy replies. "He asked me to tell you for him. And, uh, when he does come home, try not to be so hard on him."

"I'll try," Jean says with a wry smile. "Thanks, Pete."


Jim's shoulder and leg feel like they're on fire. He can feel thick bandages around his thigh and shoulder where the bullets struck him, but it doesn't dampen the pain. He writes against it for only a second before he hears a familiar voice.

"Easy, partner."

Jim cracks his eyes open. "Pete?" he breathes.

"Surprise, kid," Pete says with a half-smile. "You really outdid yourself this time."

"Two days?" Jim estimates the amount of time he's been unconscious.

"Yeah, something like that," Pete replies. "You really gotta stop getting yourself hurt. I'm gonna have a heart attack before my fortieth birthday thanks to you."

Jim laughs, then winces.

"How bad does it hurt?" Pete asks, his voice suddenly serious.

"Pretty bad," Jim admits.

There's that half-smile again. "I'll bet. We'll get you something, but for now, stop doing stupid shit."

Jim laughs again. "Yes, sir," he says.


End note: I genuinely debated on publishing this because I was like, it's a '70s cop show fanfiction. What do people do with this? And then I was like, fuck it, I'll do what I want.

This is kind of a shitty beginning chapter but I promise they'll get better.

It's totally not 3 A.M. as I finish this.

PUBLISHED: December 27, 2023

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