VII - Hit and Run

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Language, violence, graphic injury depiction. Rated T.

Summary: A vehicular chase between Adam-12 and a set of 211 suspects results in the black-and-white being out of commission.

Start note: Has anybody noticed that these are mostly Jim-centered? Can you tell who's my favorite?


"One-Adam-12, we are in pursuit of a green Ford pickup, heading West on Magnolia," Reed says clearly. "Driver is a female Caucasian, blonde and green, wearing a white shirt and blue jeans. Passenger is a male Caucasian, brown and brown, wearing a brown jacket and tan pants. Potential 211 suspects."

"One-Adam-12, roger. All units, One-Adam-12 is in pursuit of a..."

The Ford takes a sharp right turn onto Montoya Boulevard, and Malloy follows it. "One-Adam-12, now heading North on Montoya," Reed updates.

The black-and-white drives through a green light, and then a four-way stop. The Ford whips onto Hillcrest Street with such speed that it tilts to the side.

"East on Hillcrest," Reed says.

The speed picks up. At least sixty, maybe seventy. The Ford drives straight through a red light, so Malloy does too (because it's legal for a cop car with lights and sirens to go through a red light). Several cars honk loudly, and swear words float through the air.

The passenger in the Ford turns around and fires a gun out of the window. The shot hits Reed's door mirror and goes straight through it.

"One-Adam-12, requesting backup. Still heading east on Hillcrest. Shots fired," Reed says quickly.

Neither of them see the car running a red light. It slams into the passenger side of the black-and-white, causing the patrol car to come to a dead stop. The sound is something that nightmares are made of. The screech of tires, followed by a terrific crash and a shattering noise, and then the drip, drip, drip of leaking gasoline.

The jolt that comes causes Reed's head to bang against the dashboard, which in turn makes his neck pop rather loudly. Malloy's body gets thrown into the door, his shoulder and head connecting painfully with the window.

Dazed and confused, he reaches for the receiver. "One-Adam-12, officers need help. We've been... hit by another... vehicle." The words have to come between his quick breaths as he tries to stay calm.

The other vehicle is taking off with squealing tiles, the front fender all banged up and a long crack in the windshield.

"One-Adam-12, describe the other vehicle involved."

Malloy squints against his blurring vision. "Blue Chevy, white top... damaged front fender... cracked windshield. Hit and run."

"One-Adam-12, roger. Ambulance ETA is five minutes."

"One-Adam-12, roger," Malloy breathes. He looks at Reed. "Reed?"

Jim mutters something under his breath. There's a long gash down the side of his face, with pieces of shattered glass in it. The passenger side windows, Pete realizes, must've broken from the impact. He can't see any other visible injuries on Reed, , but he can only see one side of him and that also doesn't mean he doesn't have internal injuries.

"Jim, stay with me," Pete murmurs. "You there?"

"Here," Jim breathes. His left hand moves from his lap, curls around his ribs. He inhales sharply and then lets out a shaky exhale. "My ribs hurt."

Pete doesn't want to look at Jim right now. The sight of blood running like rivers down his face is already making Pete's stomach flip. "The ambulance should... should be here soon."

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